universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...


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219comparison is often frustrated, but the author has done his best to suppl<strong>em</strong>ent thefiles whenever possible.This kind of introduction is most frequent in ch<strong>em</strong>istry BRs (55%), wherereviewers have special preference for using solely Sub-function 5 in the openingparagraph that encapsulates Move 1 (7 of 11 instances). Thus ch<strong>em</strong>istry texts tend to be“field-fronted”, i.e., Sub-function 5 is usually the first rhetorical el<strong>em</strong>ent to appear. Ineconomics, simple introductions are also common, but tend to be “topic-fronted” instead(4 of 7 instances).b) Combinatory: This type of introduction usually has a combination of Subfunctions1 and 5 in a dyad or either one (and less frequently, Sub-function 2) followingany other Move 1 sub-function. The most common types of introduction combinereference to topic of the book (Sub-function 1) or topic generalization (Sub-function 4)followed by reference to how the book fits in the field (Sub-function 5) represented in asequence as 1-5 or 4-5.[L#13] (Sub-function 4) With every year of storage, according to the experiencedgourmet, wine, whiskey, and even some sorts of cheese gain in quality, but, withregard to collections of linguistic papers and their respective contents, this ruleusually does not hold. My present review <strong>de</strong>als with one recent example of suchoverripe reading matter that already leaves an aftertaste of discontent: Leitmotifs(= L)...does not meet my expectations at all. (Sub-function 5) In fact, it is noteven up to the standards of any of the preceding monographs by each of thefounding fathers of NM (Mayerthaler 1981; Wurzel 1984; Dressler 1985)...[E#9] (Sub-function 1) This is an interesting and well written book on newclassical economics, which gives this school of thought a fair treatment. (Subfunction5) The subtitle 'A Skeptical Inquiry' indicates, nevertheless, the criticalattitu<strong>de</strong> of the author towards new classicism. But there is more than the usualquestioning of basic assumptions...

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