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universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...


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170In [E#1], the four words tax, inflation, un<strong>em</strong>ployment, and <strong>de</strong>bt, in the <strong>de</strong>scriptionof the organization of the book serve as indicators of the four main arguments that thebook approaches:[E#1] (Sub-function 6A) The authors apply this insight to current economicpolicy questions, including tax collection, inflation policy, un<strong>em</strong>ployment, andinternational <strong>de</strong>bt. (Sub-function 7A) Their arguments with respect to thefirst two of these are especially persuasive. They <strong>de</strong>scribe, for example, how the1983 Massachusetts tax amnesty program was <strong>de</strong>signed not only to collect backrevenues, but also to help restore respect for the tax co<strong>de</strong>, making voluntarypayment more likely in the future. ...Civic values can be ero<strong>de</strong>d, even <strong>de</strong>stroyed. In a telling phrase the authors assertthat Gerald Ford's 1975 Whip Inflation Now campaign failed because "Thepublic saw the WIN campaign as a stunt, not a policy” (p. 138). They view the<strong>de</strong>liberate un<strong>em</strong>ployment, the assault on unions, the waves of <strong>de</strong>regulation, andthe <strong>de</strong>cline of public ethics un<strong>de</strong>r Ronald Reagan as part of an assault on thecivic values, from which the polis may possibly, they fear, not recover. ......Their discussion of Third World <strong>de</strong>bt suffers from an exaggerated fear of thedangers of Latin American <strong>de</strong>fault to the banking syst<strong>em</strong>...As the compl<strong>em</strong>entary relationship between Sub-functions 6 and 7, what ispredicted by Sub-function 6A is realized in 7A, i.e., the stretches of text marked as Subfunction7A discuss each of the four arguments mentioned in 6A.(ii) By using a chronological criterion. The reviewer discusses the content of thebook in terms of a succession of events, using chronology to mark the evolution of thetopic discussed in the book:

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