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231Due to idiosyncrasies of the discipline such as frequent use of graphs, formulas,and tables of ch<strong>em</strong>ical el<strong>em</strong>ents, for example, citing extra-text material becomes atypical sub-function in ch<strong>em</strong>istry. It signals a central concern in the discipline, since itappears in a text comprehending just a few lines that probably inclu<strong>de</strong> only the mostbasic rhetorical sub-functions. Economics: author and evaluation• Sub-function 3: Informing about the authorThe first feature that calls attention in Sub-function 3 is the low percentages that itattains across fields, with a slight preference in economics. In<strong>de</strong>ed, Sub-function 3 is theleast frequent sub-function in ch<strong>em</strong>istry (15%) and linguistics (20%), while ineconomics, it is more frequent than reference to rea<strong>de</strong>rship and extra-text material (Subfunctions2 and 8). Notwithstanding these low frequencies, it was evi<strong>de</strong>nt thateconomics reviewers commonly referred to the authors of the books being examined,maybe not as a separate sub-function in Move 1 but dislocated to the interior of othersub-functions and moves. As references to author were explored with more <strong>de</strong>tails, aninteresting pattern appeared in connection with Sub-function 5 in Move 1 and withMove 4.In the discussion of Move 1 in Chapter 5, it was stated that some openingsentences call attention to the approach taken to <strong>de</strong>al with the topic of the newpublication, making reference to the author of the book. The reviewer, then, uses explicit

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