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228In the discussion of text length, ch<strong>em</strong>istry reviewers were said to have specialpreference for adopting the overall perspective of the book more consistently thanlinguistics and economics reviewers. The results in Appendix D confirm this ten<strong>de</strong>ncy,indicating that in ch<strong>em</strong>istry, Sub-function 6, Providing general view of the organizationof the book, is as frequent as Sub-function 7, Stating the th<strong>em</strong>e of each chapter (80%),and, whenever the more specific <strong>de</strong>scription of Sub-function 7 is present in ch<strong>em</strong>istry, itis generally limited to a synthetic listing of title and topic of chapters (plus the author’sname in edited books). Conversely, in linguistics and economics, reviewers prefer to usethe <strong>de</strong>tailed perspective of Sub-function 7 (100% and 90%, respectively) much moreconsistently than Sub-function 6 (70% and 50%).Detailed <strong>de</strong>scription and evaluation of the book is not frequently found in thech<strong>em</strong>istry corpus indicating that giving the rea<strong>de</strong>r a general i<strong>de</strong>a of the organization andnumber of chapters of the book is more important than providing a more <strong>de</strong>tailed an<strong>de</strong>valuative discussion of specific chapters. This results in more objective, generally<strong>de</strong>scriptive texts in ch<strong>em</strong>istry, instead of more evaluative and <strong>de</strong>tailed texts, which arelikely to <strong>de</strong>mand lengthier argumentation.• Sub-function 8: Citing extra-text materialWith different <strong>de</strong>grees of importance, Sub-function 8 bears greater significance forch<strong>em</strong>istry and linguistics (50%) than for economics (15%). Although the results for Subfunction8 in linguistics and ch<strong>em</strong>istry are the same, an analysis of the frequency of

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