Modélisation, analyse mathématique et simulations numériques de ...

Modélisation, analyse mathématique et simulations numériques de ...

Modélisation, analyse mathématique et simulations numériques de ...


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tel-00656013, version 1 - 3 Jan 2012<br />

2.1 Introduction and Main Result 49<br />

The formal <strong>de</strong>rivation of this s<strong>et</strong> of equations in 2D will be obtained in Section 2.2. Moreover,<br />

we will study in this paper the local in time existence of strong solution for the 1D<br />

version of the system, that is:<br />

⎧ <br />

N<br />

<br />

⎪⎨<br />

∂tH +∂x<br />

i=1<br />

∂t(hN uN)+∂x<br />

hiui<br />

<br />

hnu 2 N +g h2 <br />

N<br />

2<br />

= 0,<br />

= µ<br />

<br />

∂x(hN ∂xuN)+DU z N+1/2 −DUz <br />

N−1/2<br />

−ghN ∂xzb +w N−1/2u N−1/2 −w N+1/2u N+1/2,<br />

<br />

∂t(hiui)+∂x hiu 2 <br />

i +ghi∂xhN = µ hi∂xxui +DU z i+1/2 −DUz <br />

i−1/2 −ghi∂xzb<br />

⎪⎩<br />

+wi−1/2ui−1/2 −wi+1/2ui+1/2, 1 i N −1.<br />

(2.1.10)<br />

where we drop the Coriolis terms which have no meaning in 1D. In or<strong>de</strong>r to state the result,<br />

we introduce the following notations.<br />

For any function f, we note f ( resp. fk ) the L2-norm (resp. Hk-norm ) of f. If<br />

f = (f1,...,fn) is multidimensional, we <strong>de</strong>fine its Hk-norm by<br />

fk :=<br />

n<br />

fik.<br />

i=1<br />

L<strong>et</strong> B be a Banach space, k a non-negative integer and T some positive constant. We<br />

<strong>de</strong>note by Lk ∞ (0,T;B) the Banach space of functions f on [0,T] which have their values<br />

in B and are k times differentiable with respect to t and all the <strong>de</strong>rivatives are boun<strong>de</strong>d<br />

in B. We can now state our main result.<br />

Theorem 1.1. Consi<strong>de</strong>r the system (2.1.10) where w i+1/2, u i+1/2 and DU z i+1/2<br />

by the 1D versions of (2.1.7), (2.1.8) and (2.1.9), with initial data<br />

are <strong>de</strong>fined<br />

(U,hN)(0,x) = (U 0 (x),h 0 N(x)) ∈ H 2 (R), (2.1.11)<br />

where U = (u1 ... uN) T is the vector of velocities. Suppose<br />

inf<br />

x∈R h0 (x) η0 > 0,<br />

for some constant η0, and note E = 2(U 0 ,h 0 N)2. Assume the topography has the regularity<br />

zb ∈ C 2 (R). Then, there exists a positive constant T such that the Cauchy problem<br />

(2.1.10)-(2.1.11) has a unique strong solution (U,hN) satisfying:<br />

U ∈ C(0,T;H 2 (R))∩C 1 (0,T;L 2 (R))∩L 2 0,T;H 3 (R) ,<br />

hN ∈ C(0,T;H 2 (R))∩C 1 (0,T;H 1 (R)).

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