Landscape through literature Le paysage à travers la littérature

Landscape through literature Le paysage à travers la littérature

Landscape through literature Le paysage à travers la littérature


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72<br />

S A N M A R I N O / S A I N T - M A R I N<br />

Amy A. BERNARDY (1879-1959)<br />

San Marino pare lontano, lontano; e il triplice profilo<br />

del monte si attenua nelle azzurre ombre del<strong>la</strong> sera<br />

quando noi ci volgiamo ad esso nel ritorno; mentre<br />

Faetano ci arride ancora dal<strong>la</strong> cima del<strong>la</strong> sua collinetta<br />

sassosa, in uno splendor di rifiorente primavera,<br />

aureo e roseo sotto un cielo vio<strong>la</strong> e di opale, sopra un<br />

colle di smeraldo e di rame… Io vidi Montegiardino <strong>la</strong><br />

prima volta, in un crepuscolo roseo ed aureo, che<br />

avvolgeva di un tepore b<strong>la</strong>ndo il vil<strong>la</strong>ggio seco<strong>la</strong>re, e<br />

coloriva <strong>la</strong> facciata bianca del<strong>la</strong> cattedrale, accanto al<br />

vecchio olmo glorioso di folte chiome, dove una volta<br />

l’arciprete radunava i terrazzani, dove si raccoglievano<br />

gli uomini del Comune intorno al banditore del<strong>la</strong><br />

Reggenza, dove si affol<strong>la</strong>vano i curiosi intorno ai<br />

messaggeri di Urbino. A Montegiardino tramonta<br />

presto il sole sotto <strong>la</strong> cerchia delle colline, e tutto il<br />

vil<strong>la</strong>ggio si avvolge nel<strong>la</strong> frescura diffusa, profumata<br />

dai tigli in fiore.<br />

“<strong>Le</strong> testimonianze del mito”, Agenda A.S.A., San Marino, 1989.<br />

n a t u r o p a n o 1 0 3 / 2 0 0 5<br />

San Marino seems far, far away. The three-peaked<br />

profile of the mount fades out in the light blue shadows<br />

of the evening, when we turn our g<strong>la</strong>nce on our way<br />

back. Faetano still smiles at us from the top of its small<br />

stony hill, in the splendour of the burgeoning spring,<br />

golden and rosy under a violet and opalescent<br />

sky on a hill of emerald and copper…When I saw<br />

Montegiardino for the first time, a rosy and golden<br />

twilight wrapped the century-old vil<strong>la</strong>ge in a gentle<br />

warmth and coloured the white façade of the cathedral,<br />

next to the old glorious elm with its lush canopy, where<br />

the archpriest used to bring the vil<strong>la</strong>gers together,<br />

where the men of the township gathered around the<br />

announcer of the Captains Regent, where curious people<br />

crowded around the messengers from Urbino. In Montegiardino<br />

the sun sets early behind the surrounding hills,<br />

and the entire vil<strong>la</strong>ge is wrapped by a spreading freshness,<br />

perfumed by blooming linden.<br />

Trans<strong>la</strong>tion: Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San<br />

Marino / Interpreters and Trans<strong>la</strong>tors Office.<br />

Saint-Marin semble loin, très loin. <strong>Le</strong> profil <strong>à</strong> trois pics<br />

du mont s’évanouit dans les ombres bleu c<strong>la</strong>ir du soir,<br />

quand nous tournons notre regard sur le chemin du<br />

retour. Faetano nous sourit toujours du haut de sa petite<br />

colline rocailleuse, dans <strong>la</strong> splendeur du printemps<br />

bourgeonnant, dorée et rose sous un ciel violet et opalescent<br />

sur une colline d’émeraude et de cuivre… Lorsque<br />

j’ai vu Montegiardino pour <strong>la</strong> première fois, un crépuscule<br />

rose et doré nimbait le vil<strong>la</strong>ge centenaire d’une<br />

douce chaleur et teintait <strong>la</strong> façade b<strong>la</strong>nche de <strong>la</strong> cathédrale,<br />

<strong>à</strong> côté du vieil orme majestueux <strong>à</strong> <strong>la</strong> voûte luxuriante,<br />

l<strong>à</strong> où jadis l’archiprêtre rassemb<strong>la</strong>it les vil<strong>la</strong>geois,<br />

où les hommes du bourg se réunissaient autour de l’annonceur<br />

du capitaine-régent, où des curieux s’amassaient<br />

autour des messagers venus d’Urbino. A<br />

Montegiardino, le soleil se couche tôt derrière les<br />

collines environnantes et le vil<strong>la</strong>ge entier est baigné<br />

d’une fraîcheur envahissante, parfumée par les tilleuls<br />

en fleurs.<br />

Traduction: Conseil de l’Europe, 2005.<br />

Valery LARBAUD (1881-1957)<br />

All’improvviso, a una svolta, è apparso il Titano, alto<br />

sul<strong>la</strong> pianura e sul mare, solidamente poggiato su uno<br />

zoccolo di terra bruna. E sopra di noi, uscendo da un<br />

isolotto di nubi, le tre cime pendevano in mezzo al<br />

cielo e facevano risaltare i loro muscoli di pietra nel<strong>la</strong><br />

luce […]. Un grande nembo candido usciva a poco a<br />

poco dietro l’alta cresta e pareva emanasse dal<strong>la</strong> pietra.<br />

E <strong>la</strong> roccia si mostrava, ignuda, e senza vergogna,<br />

levata in un solo s<strong>la</strong>ncio. In alto, come tre barche di carta<br />

sul<strong>la</strong> cresta di un’onda mostruosa, si vedevano le tre<br />

torri delle tre cime, dei muri, l’angolo tondo di un tetto.<br />

Ma non era nul<strong>la</strong>. Quello che soprattutto si vedeva era<br />

<strong>la</strong> terra alzata sul<strong>la</strong> terra, <strong>la</strong> terra più alta di un uccello<br />

nell’aria; e <strong>la</strong> fronte di pietra al di sopra di tutte le<br />

preoccupazioni umane.<br />

“<strong>Le</strong> testimonianze del mito”, Agenda A.S.A., San Marino, 1989.<br />

Suddenly, behind a bend, there appeared Mount Titano:<br />

high on the p<strong>la</strong>in and the sea, solidly <strong>la</strong>ying on a brown<br />

earth block. Above us, coming out of a small is<strong>la</strong>nd of<br />

clouds, the three peaks were hanging from the sky,<br />

showing up their rocky muscles in the light […]. A <strong>la</strong>rge<br />

white nimbus was slowly coming out behind the high<br />

crest and seemed to originate from the stone. And the<br />

rock showed up, bare and shameless, rising up all of<br />

a sudden. High above, like three paper boats on the<br />

crest of a monstrous wave, we could see three Towers<br />

on the three peaks, the walls and the round angle of a<br />

roof. But it was nothing. Most of all, we could see the<br />

earth high on the earth, the earth higher than a flying<br />

bird; and the stone front above all human concerns.<br />

Trans<strong>la</strong>tion: Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San<br />

Marino / Interpreters and Trans<strong>la</strong>tors Office.

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