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Diss.-ETH 12317 Diss.-ETH 12317 Diss.-ETH 12317 Diss.-E Eine ...


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Literaturverzeichnis<br />

[1] R. Rada. Software Reuse. Intellect Ltd., Oxford, England, 1995.<br />

[2] A. F. Neyer et. al. Object-oriented Programming For Flexible Software:<br />

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[3] M. Foley et al. An Object Based Graphical User Interface for Power<br />

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1993.<br />

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Matrix Operations Using Object-Oriented Programming. IEEE Transactions<br />

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[5] M. Foley und A. Bose. Object-Oriented On-Line Network Analysis.<br />

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[6] E. Z. Zhou. Object-oriented Programming, C++ and Power System<br />

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[7] F. L. Alvarado und Y. Liu. General Purpose Symbolic Simulation<br />

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[8] R. Bacher. Computer Aided Power Flow Software Engineering And<br />

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[9] R. Bacher. Automatic Generation of Optimisation Code Based on<br />

Symbolic Non-Linear Domain Formulation. International Symposium<br />

on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ACM conference), Zurich,<br />

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