30.11.2012 Aufrufe

Untersuchungen zur - OPUS - Universität Würzburg

Untersuchungen zur - OPUS - Universität Würzburg

Untersuchungen zur - OPUS - Universität Würzburg


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hydrophobicity and surface roughness gives rise to a flow regulation. C ompared to m ixtures<br />

with hydrophilic materials the loss of flowability occurs delayed and is not as marked.<br />

Tensile s trength m easurements of powders with dif ferent concentr ations of f low additiv es<br />

also confirmed that a re-increase of tensile strength after longer mixing times is not caused by<br />

an excessive coverage of the host particles’ surface. Concentrations of the flow aid of 0.1 or<br />

0.2 % respectively are not sufficient to cover the host’s surface completely (cf. appendix. 8.2).<br />

However, the lower the concentration of the fl ow aid is, the sooner a re-increase in tensile<br />

strength occurs.<br />

These results are also relevant in p ractice for the application of a “prem ix”. When preparing<br />

those m ixtures it has to be considered that the agglom erates of the guest particles do not<br />

become too sm all due to too long and intense m ixing since it is not possible to “reactivate”<br />

their flow regulating effect by the addition of extra host partic les. A higher concentration of<br />

the flow aid however d oes not have a negative effect. The tim e slot u ntil a re-increase of<br />

tensile strength occurs can rather be extended.<br />

Another emphasis of this study was placed on the investigation of the flow regulation of a<br />

“soft” powder choosing the food emulsifier DA TEM as a test substance. W hen preparing<br />

binary mixtures the adsorption of guest partic les by the DATEM host part icles is quite fast<br />

compared to the soft powder Hoechst Wachs C Micropulver ® tested by Müller [81]. The high<br />

adsorption rate of guest particles results in an immediate improvement in the flow properties<br />

of DATEM. In spite of apparen tly soft material properties th e DATEM particle s are able to<br />

act like b alls in a ball m ill and provide suf ficient ener gy in orde r to split u p large r<br />

agglomerates of the host particles just like the corn starch grains.<br />

All tested nanostructured substances get ad sorbed onto the host particles’ surface and<br />

herewith significantly reduce the tensile strength of DATEM. However, the rating of the flow<br />

regulating potential is q uite different from the results obtained with th e test substance corn<br />

starch. While in binary mixtures with corn starch hydrophobic silicas always showed superior<br />

effectiveness and efficiency com pared to hydr ophilic nanostructured m aterials for m ixtures<br />

with DATEM this was not the cas e. The coarse ly structured silica SIPERNAT ® 350 which<br />

turned out to be a rather poor gl idant in binary mixtures with corn starch causes the strongest<br />

drop in tensile strength of DATEM. This is due to the wide particle distribution of DATEM<br />

and the presence of larger particles which re quire larger surface roughnesses to achieve<br />

minimum interparticle forces.<br />


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