EPA Review Annex Documents - DFID

EPA Review Annex Documents - DFID

EPA Review Annex Documents - DFID


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• Establishment and maintenance of databases and information systems on<br />

international standards and SPS requirements of trading partners.<br />

• Establishment of national notification authorities and/or enquiry points (see below).<br />

The broad picture is of fundamental weaknesses in the food safety and plant and animal<br />

health management capacity of ACP countries, which is confirmed by other more ad hoc<br />

assessments of SPS capacity in these countries (for example: CTA, 2003; Integrated<br />

Framework, 2005 and 2006; Molins and Gitonga, 2006; Molins and Masaga, 2006; Molins<br />

and Bulega, 2006). This suggests that, while a number of countries have faced particular<br />

problems with food and feed exports to the EU, as indicated by the analysis of detention<br />

data and specific trade concerns detailed above, these represent the ‘tip of the iceberg’ in<br />

terms of the impact of EU SPS requirements on ACP countries. It is likely that weaknesses<br />

in core elements of SPS capacity undermine the ability of existing and potential exporters to<br />

comply and/or erodes their competitiveness more broadly. The crux of the issue, therefore,<br />

is capacity-building.<br />

3. SPS measures in EU trade agreements<br />

The EU has signed a number of free trade agreements with developing countries that<br />

include provisions relating to SPS measures (Rudloff and Simons, 2006):<br />

• Mediterranean Association Agreements (MED) with Tunisia (1995), Morocco (1996),<br />

Jordon (1997), Palestinian Authority (1997), Algeria (2001) and Lebanon (2002). 160<br />

• Trade, Development and Technical Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) with South<br />

Africa (1999).<br />

• Economic Partnership, Coordination and Cooperation Agreement with Mexico<br />

(1997).<br />

• EU-Chile Association Agreement (2002).<br />

Given the rights and obligations laid down by the SPS Agreement, these agreements mainly<br />

focus on procedural issues in relations between the parties. Emphasis is put on facilitating<br />

the application of the SPS Agreement by fostering consistent application of SPS measures<br />

through common understanding of WTO provisions and harmonisation through consistency<br />

with international standards and/or mutual recognition provisions. These acts not only to<br />

formalise commitments to the SPS Agreement, but also affords flexibility in dealing with<br />

disagreements between the parties; disputes can be settled through the free trade<br />

agreement or through the WTO. Only very rarely do these agreements contain individual<br />

provisions that go beyond WTO commitments on SPS measures, and where this does occur<br />

(notably the EU-Chile Association Agreement as described below) this is through productspecific<br />

supplements that detail procedural provisions.<br />

There are significant differences in the degree and manner in which these free trade<br />

agreements cover SPS measures, reflecting both the time at which these agreements were<br />

entered into and (more importantly) the level of economic development of the developing<br />

country partner. Both the TCDA and MED agreements contain very limited and ‘shallow<br />

provisions on SPS measures, mainly reaffirming existing commitments under the WTO, with<br />

an overall emphasis on the harmonisation of SPS measures as an overall target and<br />

cooperation. There is no explicit commitment in these agreements for the provision of<br />

technical assistance. The agreement with Mexico broadly has the same provisions, but<br />

crucially establishes a joint committee on SPS measures to facilitate information exchange,<br />

to provide a forum to identify and address problems arising from the application of SPS<br />

measures and to explore provisions for the application of regionalisation and the assessment<br />

160 A MED was also signed with Israel in 1995.<br />


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