Tweaking Optimizing Windows.pdf - GEGeek

Tweaking Optimizing Windows.pdf - GEGeek

Tweaking Optimizing Windows.pdf - GEGeek


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- changing the multiplier on amd chips<br />

- fsb and multiplier combinations<br />


- general<br />

- why should I overclock my gforce?<br />

- cooling<br />

- tools you need<br />

- lets start<br />

- add coolbits entry to your registry and overclock<br />

- other programs for gfx card overclocking<br />

- benchmarking for gfx cards etc<br />




- operating system crashes immediately after a certain intensive program is run:<br />

- your pc doesn't even turn on<br />


Want the power of a new processor--for free? Would you care for a more muscular graphics card--without upgrading? You just<br />

might have them: all you have to do is learn how to overclock. Overclocking generally refers to forcing a CPU, front-side bus,<br />

graphics chip, or graphics card memory to perform faster than it's supposed to perform. Done successfully, it can increase the<br />

performance of your system without new components. There's risk, of course--for instance, you can age your PC's components<br />

prematurely and void their warranties--but as with any worthwhile risk, there's plenty of reward. Overclocking can damage your<br />

components if done incorrectly. It will void virtually all warranties and it WILL reduce the life of your components.<br />

It's wise to avoid overclocking or otherwise experimenting with a system that you use for mission-critical tasks and data. Don't<br />

overclock your main workstation. Do your experimenting on a system that, should something go awry, you can live without for a<br />

few days. And if there's anything on the hard drive that you care about, back it up on removable media before you tweak the<br />

system.<br />

No matter what component you're planning on pushing to lofty new frequency heights, the preferred methodology, especially for<br />

novice overclockers, is the same. Sometimes called progressive overclocking, the basic philosophy is to take speed increases in<br />

small doses. Knowing the default clock speed of the component, you should attempt to overclock it in very small increments--<br />

perhaps one to two percent at a time.<br />

There are people who spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollards for an extra handful of clock-speed. In the past,<br />

overclocking was simply changing your motherboard's settings for the next higher CPU Multiplier. It's not as simple anymore, since<br />

both Intel and AMD have locked the multipliers in their CPU's. As a result, in today's world the bus speed is usually the only easy<br />

way to overclock and achieve CPU speeds that don't officially exist. Bus speed, as opposed to CPU overclocking changes your whole<br />

motherboard's BUS, affecting PCI, AGP (with all the components attached to them) as well as Memory speed, so in effect you are<br />

overclocking everything! Because of the fact you are overclocking your whole system and every component connected to it, one of<br />

the necessary requirements is to have good quality components. You have a better chance of reaching higher speeds and still<br />

running a stable system with good quality brand name components instead of cheap off the wall hardware. Some brands/models of<br />

hardware overclock better then others, some don't overclock very well at all, so it's a good idea to already have a rock stable<br />

system with good quality hardware before you attempt overclocking, since overclocking essentially pushes your system beyond the<br />

manufacturer's specs, adding heat to the equation.<br />

The thing to remember is that ALL processors are the same and are merely "rated" to run at a specified speed. A single wafer (a<br />

wafer contains about 35 chips) will yield many different speeds. The Mhz rating of the chip is not known until it has been assembled<br />

and tested in one of Intel's many assembly plants. A single wafer could have Pentium III processors ranging from the 500e all the<br />

way to the 1Ghz Coppermine, as well as some chips that don't work at all and are thrown out. It is during this 'validation' process<br />

that overclocking becomes a reality. A small wafer comprised of many individual ICs.<br />

The speed at which a CPU operates has less to do with the internal workings of the CPU itself than the settings of the computer's<br />

motherboard. Often, the only factor separating one CPU from another is how they are marketed. For instance, an AMD Duron 700<br />

and an AMD Duron 800 are, for all practical purposes, likely identical parts generated in the fabrication process; except that AMD<br />

has decreed that one's clock should run faster than the other's. We know that a process called "binning" often occurs in CPU<br />

manufacturing, where the CPUs are tested for the highest possible safe frequency, and placed in a particular "speed-bin", but again<br />

it's very likely a processor ranked for 700 MHz came off the same fabrication line as one ranked at 800MHz, and can very likely run<br />

very safely at 800MHz.<br />

Manufacturers like AMD Inc. and Intel Corp. want their components to be stable. If a user's system crashes or hangs, they want the<br />

user to be confident it was, say, a <strong>Windows</strong> error. Processors and other components, therefore, are often marketed below their<br />

fastest possible operating frequencies: if the Duron from the above example tests stable to 700MHz but fails at a faster speed,<br />

selling it as a 600MHz processor all but guarantees that it won't fail under normal use. This is often referred to as manufacturer<br />

overspec. In addition, the 'rated' speed is guaranteed to work even under extreme environmental conditions such as poorly cooled<br />

cases and poorly regulated voltages for at least 10 years. The goal of the overclocker is to maximize this headroom by keeping the<br />

chip as cool as possible, giving it sufficient voltage and maximizing the available "headroom" that Intel and AMD have so generously<br />

left in their chips. Overclockers also are willing to accept the fact that their chips will probably not last 10 years. In some cases,<br />

chipmakers also sell a faster chip which has been re-labeled as a slower chip, simply due to economic reasons. In the past, both<br />

AMD and Intel have done this and these chips are highly sought after. The Duron 800 is a great example of this right now. Both

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