Tweaking Optimizing Windows.pdf - GEGeek

Tweaking Optimizing Windows.pdf - GEGeek

Tweaking Optimizing Windows.pdf - GEGeek


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Lets start<br />

Now the first thing you are going to want to do is download and install the most recent drivers off Nvidias website<br />

www.nvidia.com/Products.nsf/htmlmedia/detonator3.html<br />

These drivers are backwards compatible and work with just about any Nvidia card. You also want to make sure that you have the<br />

very latest DirectX installed on your system - at the time of writing the latest version was DirectX 8a and I have personally seen a<br />

5/10% increase when using DirectX 9.<br />

www.microsoft.com/directx/homeuser/downloads/default.asp<br />

(I have ommitted 3dfx from this article now because Nvidia cards have took over the reign and are a superb chipset. You can<br />

overclock them using Powerstrip software though).<br />

Add coolbits entry to your registry and overclock<br />

copy & paste the text below in Notepad to create a REG file, and save it for example as GeForce.REG, making sure when you goto<br />

save in notepad you change the save as type to all files and then run it. Remember to restart <strong>Windows</strong> after each change.<br />

-----Begin cut & paste here-----<br />

REGEDIT4<br />

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak]<br />

"CoolBits"=dword:00000003<br />

------End cut & paste here------<br />

When we run the above files below to edit the registry, they are going to change the values of certain keys that will allow us to use<br />

the factory OverClocking Utilities that come from nvidia. Funny thing is that overclocking and tweaking have gotten so popular that<br />

both companies include the utilities to overclock in their driver set. They are just hidden "Easter Eggs" though. Once you learn the<br />

secret to the eggs, all is unlocked.<br />

Now once we have rebooted our box, we will want to put our new tools to work. First off, right click the desktop and select<br />

"Properties" from the menu. Then select the "Settings" tab. At that point you will see a button labeled "Advanced..." appear. With<br />

a nvidia card we have a couple of extra steps along the way. After the "Advanced" button, you will now select the icon tab with the<br />

name of your card on it. You should then be faced with a spinning nvidia logo. Now click on the "Additional Properties" button and<br />

then the "Hardware Options" tab. Whew! We are finally here. With either type of card you will now be faced with a slider type<br />

menu. The nvidia will have two different sliders. If you have an nvidia card you will notice an extra tab called 'Hardware Options'<br />

has appeared if the registry entries above have been entered into the registry. If you have not got this tab then you have an Nvidia<br />

driver that has the coolbit switched off and is not a problem - just download and install Powerstrip (link further below) and use the<br />

same method as explained next but in Powerstrip.<br />

Now at this point all overClocking your Vid Card requires is moving the sliders to a higher number. This is where the fun really<br />

comes in, as some folks can move their sliders farther than others and this builds a whole community based on the competition of<br />

seeing who can do it faster. Now is the fun part, using the bar drag the Memory Clock bar to the right in 5MHz increments.<br />

Progressive overclocking has to do with the process of slowly clocking your system faster and faster until it reaches its peak stable<br />

speed. This is frequently done with video card overclocks, because it is very easy to over do it and fry the card. The process with<br />

video cards is very easy - you simply overclock in 5 MHz increments until you reach an unstable speed, and then downclock the card<br />

in 1 MHz increments until you reach a stable speed.<br />

Then of course comes the obligatory testing to determine whether or not the card is stable even during system strain - and if it<br />

passes, you're gold. Once you have dragged the bar over so it is 5MHz higher, click Apply, then ok. If everything looks fine (eg no<br />

weird lines, colors, appearances on screen) Click Ok to confirm changes. Congratulations! You have overclocked a GF2... If you only<br />

have stock cooling (eg no new cooling gear) don't push the Memory Clock any higher then 350MHz or CPU Engine Clock any higher<br />

then 230MHz.<br />

If you have extra cooling you can try to push your card a little higher. If your card is running fine (no crashes) at 350MHz Memory<br />

Clock try increase to MHz by 20 to 370MHz. Now trying pushing the Engine Clock to 250MHz. After you have applied those settings,<br />

and everything is fine (eg no weird lines, colors, appearances on screen) feel free to keep those overclocked settings. Although I'd<br />

suggest that you don't have your GF2 overclocked all the time, especially on hot days. Give it a break now and then...<br />


Asus tweaking utility<br />

was suprising to see that manufactures are actually including programs to overclock their products, I thought I'd never see this. I<br />

find this program easier and more reassuring to use because the maker of the GF2 made the program. This program uses the same<br />

principal as all you need to do is drag the bars left or right, although with this program you can change in 1MHz increments...<br />

DXdiag<br />

One of the cool things that some people don't know about is dxdiag. From the start menu, choose the 'run' option and type in<br />

dxdiag. You can troubleshoot almost everything with this applet. Also, most importantly, you can adjust the refresh rate at which<br />

DX runs. So you can play those DX games at 80Hz+.<br />

Powerstrip<br />

Powerstrip is a very good program and basically lets you overclock your gfx card. Its basically the same way as the coolbits tweak<br />

above. The advantage of Powerstrip is that it will let you overclock all Nvidia cards whilst some drivers from Nvidia do not enable<br />

the overclocking option with the coolbits tweak.<br />

http://www.entechtaiwan.com/ps.htm<br />


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