SaHF DMBC Volume 1 Edition 1.1.pdf - Shaping a healthier future

SaHF DMBC Volume 1 Edition 1.1.pdf - Shaping a healthier future

SaHF DMBC Volume 1 Edition 1.1.pdf - Shaping a healthier future


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make an appointment with their own GP practice. Where appropriate, this will be<br />

achieved using the „111‟ service<br />

Patients attending the UCC who are not registered with a GP will be treated by the<br />

UCC according to the same criteria as a registered patient. In addition, they will be<br />

supported by the staff in the centre to register with a local practice of their choice<br />

Patients may be referred to community based services, including general dental<br />

services, pharmacy services, community nursing, and social and voluntary services.<br />

UCC reception staff will have up-to-date details of all community and primary care<br />

based services and will be able to provide patients with contact numbers/service<br />

details and opening times in order that they are redirected to core primary care<br />

service provision<br />

The Provider will issue discharge summaries to GP practices within 24 hours,<br />

providing relevant clinical and treatment information, medication and any necessary<br />

follow-up care.<br />

7.16.2 Recommendations for local determination<br />

Consider entering arrangements with local GP Networks to „ringfence‟ small numbers<br />

of appointment slots for patients positively re-directed from the UCC (specifically<br />

those presenting with non-urgent indications who feel they are unable to secure an<br />

appointment with their own GP).<br />

Explore options around integrating UCC with local GP Out of Hours service.<br />

General Practice representation on Joint Clinical Governance Group – CCGs are<br />

already represented as commissioners, however, there may be value in additional<br />

GP representation as clinicians.<br />

Consider incorporating rotations through local primary care services into the ongoing<br />

training of UCC GPs and ENPs.<br />

Hold regular audits of UCC patient attendance to identify patterns (for example<br />

frequent attenders). Communicate results to relevant GP practices and Networks in<br />

support of their continuous improvement processes.<br />

7.17 UCC workforce standards<br />

Drawing on recommendations made by Healthcare for London 14 , College of Emergency<br />

Medicine 15 and London Health Programmes, the E&UC CIG has proposed a set of minimum<br />

competences for urgent care centre staff and minimum levels of cover. Chapter 14 details<br />

the workforce implications and discusses the training and recruitment approach for UCCs.<br />

7.18 Equalities<br />

In addition to the work conducted by the CIG. Additional analysis of the proposals has been<br />

undertaken by the programme to understand the impact on the groups defined as protected by<br />

legislation. The resulting impact assessment identified four key sub-groups that could<br />

potentially be adversely affected by the proposed changes to emergency and urgent care<br />

services:<br />

Children<br />

14 „A service model for urgent care centres – commissioning advice for PCTs‟ – Healthcare for London; January<br />

2010<br />

15 CEM (2011) Emergency Medicine The Way Ahead<br />

7b. Work of the Emergency and Urgent Care CIG 177

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