SaHF DMBC Volume 1 Edition 1.1.pdf - Shaping a healthier future

SaHF DMBC Volume 1 Edition 1.1.pdf - Shaping a healthier future

SaHF DMBC Volume 1 Edition 1.1.pdf - Shaping a healthier future


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ensure that the impact of changes to services accentuates the positives, as well as<br />

minimises the impact on people as a result of their protected characteristics.<br />

It has been important for the programme to link with existing networks and forums within the<br />

eight boroughs. This has included working with local authority colleagues who support<br />

voluntary and community sector networks, voluntary sector organisations, including the CVS<br />

network, and small community organisations who work with the key target groups and<br />

meeting with faith groups who are able to access a large number of community members<br />

through the work they undertake.<br />

3.6.5 Engagement with ‘hard to reach’ groups<br />

We wanted to ensure engagement with stakeholders from „hard to reach‟ communities and<br />

protected groups who may have specific healthcare needs and views on our proposals. This<br />

was particularly important in cases where opinions would not be heard unless deliberative<br />

pro-active engagement was undertaken. We engaged with „hard to reach‟ communities and<br />

protected groups pre-consultation and during consultation. We recognised that NW London<br />

Hammersmith and Fulham has the largest Polish community in the UK, Ealing has the<br />

largest Somali community in the UK and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups in Brent<br />

now make up the majority of the population. Work enabled us to understand the wide range<br />

of groups that would form part of our engagement and enabled us to engage them effectively<br />

during consultation.<br />

3.6.6 Political stakeholder engagement activities<br />

There has been significant engagement with political stakeholders throughout the<br />

programme. This has included meetings with councillors, cabinet members and Health and<br />

Wellbeing Boards (H&WBs) in NW London. Greater London Assembly Members have been<br />

sent the newsletter. A record of meetings with these groups can be found in Appendix C.<br />

The Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) was formed by bringing<br />

together representatives of each Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) in NW<br />

London and other potentially affected neighbouring boroughs. It has responsibility for<br />

scrutinising the programme and its proposals for service change. The JHOSC provided<br />

formal feedback to the consultation and NW London presented a response to the Joint<br />

Committee submission a November 2012. Engagement with individual HOSCs has been<br />

ongoing in parallel with individual borough HOSCs. There has been regular attendance by<br />

the programme at as many HOSC meetings as possible in every borough.<br />

3.7 Purpose and scope of the decision making business case<br />

The decision making business case (<strong>DMBC</strong>) is a technical and analytical document that sets<br />

out the information necessary for the JCPCT to make informed decisions for the<br />

reconfiguration of healthcare services in NW London. It sets out the robust process of<br />

evaluation we have been through to identify our proposals for change, the findings from the<br />

public consultation process and how the programme has responded, the final proposal and<br />

the implications of this proposal. The document can be considered in two parts; the first part<br />

describes the process to identify the recommendation and the second part outlines the<br />

implications of that recommendation. The document includes:<br />

Our vision, supported by clinical standards and proposed clinical service models<br />

The decision making process we have been through including our response to the<br />

consultation findings<br />

3. Introduction to <strong>Shaping</strong> a <strong>healthier</strong> <strong>future</strong> and purpose of document 26

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