KAIS 2007 1 - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme ...

KAIS 2007 1 - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme ...

KAIS 2007 1 - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme ...


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ClustersHouseholdsProvince Rural Urban Total Rural Urban TotalNairobi 0 58 58 0 1,450 1,450Central 48 7 55 1,200 175 1,375Coast 24 22 46 600 550 1,150Eastern 50 5 55 1,250 125 1,375North Eastern 23 5 28 575 125 700Nyanza 54 7 61 1,350 175 1,525Rift Valley 51 12 63 1,275 300 1,575Western 44 5 49 1,100 125 1,225Total 294 121 415 7,350 3,025 10,375Of the original 415 clusters, 402 were accessed and surveyed. Thirteen clusters wereinaccessible due to impassable roads or tenuous security situations. All reported estimatesand design weights for households, individual interviews, and blood draws were based ondata from the 402 clusters. Details about how cluster‐level non‐response was accounted forin the calculation of weights are provided in Section A.6 of this appendix. The survey wasnot designed to produce reliable district‐level estimates; estimates are presented byrural/urban residence, and by province.<strong>KAIS</strong> sample allocationThe <strong>2007</strong> <strong>KAIS</strong> sample used a stratified, two‐stage cluster sample design for comparability tothe 2003 KDHS. The first stage involved sampling clusters from NASSEP IV, and the secondstage involved selecting households for the survey.Selection of clusters (probability sampling units). The sample was allocated first toprovinces in proportion to the square root of the number of households in the 1999 censusand among rural and urban areas of the districts within each province based on the distributionof households.A simple systematic sampling method was used to select 294 clusters in rural areas and 121clusters in urban areas for a total of 415 clusters. KNBS selected clusters from the NASSEP IVframe using the equal probability selection method independently within rural and urbandomains of each district. The resulting sample retained the properties of probabilityproportionate to size, as used in creation of the frame. EAs were arranged in serpentine orderprior to the 1999 Census, and later clusters in the NASSEP IV master frame were serialized in thesame order within districts and rural and strata. The systematic random sampling method had asampling procedure with a random start, then every kth cluster was sampled in eachcategory until the sample was achieved.Selection of households. Household listings in 111 clusters were updated immediately beforecommencement of the survey and listing in the remaining 301 clusters had been updated in2005‐2006 for other national surveys.<strong>KAIS</strong> <strong>2007</strong> 282

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