KAIS 2007 1 - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme ...

KAIS 2007 1 - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme ...

KAIS 2007 1 - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme ...


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DNA v1.5) was conducted at the KEMRI QA laboratory to resolve specimens with twosets of discordant results. For QA purposes, all seropositive and 5% of seronegativespecimens were transported to the KEMRI QA laboratory and re‐tested using the samealgorithm. Specimens with discordant results between the two laboratories were testedagain at the KEMRI QA laboratory with the same algorithm. Specimens that were stilldiscordant after re‐testing were resolved by PCR at the KEMRI QA laboratory.CD4 cell count. Stabilised whole blood specimens for CD4 testing were prepared in thetemporary field laboratory at the end of each day. Specimens were transported to theNHRL at room temperature (18°–22°C). Only samples found to be reactive for HIV usingthe serial HIV testing algorithm described earlier were eligible for a CD4 cell count.Single‐platform technology was used to determine both absolute and percentagelymphocyte subset values from each CD4 tube of blood using BD FACSCompsoftware and BD CaliBRITE reagents. CD4 and CD8 cells were enumerated to calculatethe CD4:CD8 ratio. For quality control of CD4 testing, internal controls with known CD4quantities were included with each run. When the system detected an error with thecontrol, results from the run were discarded, the specific error was rectified based on theerror code generated by the software, and CD4 testing was repeated. All CD4 testing andre‐testing was conducted at the NHRL.Syphilis. Testing was conducted using two laboratory tests. All serum specimens werescreened at the NHRL using a Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA)(Serodia‐TPPA, Fujirebio Diagnostics Inc.). All TPPA positive specimens were reviewedby a second laboratory staff member and then tested using the rapid plasma reagin(RPR) (Macrovu‐Vue RPR Card Test, BD USA) on undiluted (i.e. neat) serum. RPRresults also were reviewed and reported by a second laboratory staff member. TPPA wasused as an antibody‐screening test to identify previous exposure to syphilis antigens,whereas RPR served as a test for presence of reaginic antigens, an indicator of activeinfection. For quality control, all TPPA‐reactive specimens and 5% of nonreactivespecimens were re‐tested at the QA laboratory using the same TPPA/RPR algorithm.Specimens with discordant results between the two laboratories were reported asindeterminate.HSV‐2. All specimens were tested using Kalon HSV2 IgG ELISA based on gG‐2according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. All samples reactive with the firstEIA run were re‐tested using Kalon HSV2 IgG ELISA and read by a second reader. Forquality control, all reactive specimens, 5% of randomly‐selected nonreactive specimensand specimens in gray zones were re‐tested at the QA laboratory using the above EIAtest. Specimens with discordant results between the two laboratories were reported asindeterminate.Dried blood spots. The DBS samples prepared from the CD4 blood tubes at thetemporary field laboratories were stored in freezers at temperatures of ‐20 o C at theNHRL. These samples were tested for HIV if serum samples were lost in transit or ifrespondents did not consent to giving venous blood but were willing to give blood froma finger prick. Sera were eluted from 6‐mm discs punched from the DBS samples andwere tested following the manufacturer’s recommendations using a parallel testing<strong>KAIS</strong> <strong>2007</strong> 289

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