BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Heavy Axe TechniquesNothing hits harder or is more intimidating than a greataxe or a maul. For those who want to keep a hand free,a battleaxe or a mace will do nicely as well. Combining these options with a shield leads to one of the mostsimple and effective combinations in the Mayhem game.Battleaxe: The battleaxe is a reinforcedand weighted version of a woodsman’saxe. It is a one-handed weapon with greatdamage potential at the cost of defense.Greataxe: The Greataxe is a massiveweapon, two-handed, heavy and brutal.Wielding it requires particular strength.Mace: The mace is the standard warhammer. It is heavy, and highly effectiveagainst armored opponents. It comes invarious forms, from the flanged mace tothe rounded mace to the war hammer.Maul: The Maul is the two-handedversion of the mace. Its heavy design giveit the most devastating single-hit damagecapacity among weaponry.Side-SwingBasic Heavy Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGCritIf a crit is rolled, the target must roll a Gritcheck with a difficulty equal to the Meleeroll or be knocked one space to either side.Wild SwingBasic Heavy Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGActiveMake a Melee Attack, and roll a 1d4. If theresult is a 1, the attack suffers a -2 penalty.If the result is a 2, there is no modifier.If the result is a 3, add a +2 technique bonus.If the result is a 4, add a +4 technique bonus.CrowdBasic Heavy Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGPassiveIf the target is within 1 meter andattempts to Dodge, the attacker gains a+2 tech bonus.Intimidating StrikeBasic Heavy Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGPassiveTake an instant action to roll an Intimidatecheck against a target. If successful, the nextMelee attack gains a +2 technique bonus.MomentumBasic Heavy Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGActiveIf the character attacks the same targettwice in a row, that second attack gains a+2 technique bonus.100

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