BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Crystallize IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedAverageRangeResistGritDuration3 m 3 roundsEncase one individual in ice. Removetheir indicator from the combat clock.That target may not act or be acted against,and is placed in a perfect suspension wherethey cannot receive damage, or be targetedby any other magics or effects. They arereturned to the combat clock immediatelyafter they are freed.Fire CounterSecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 2SpeedVery FastRangeResistSpell PowerDuration20 m -This spell may be cast as a free actionin response to any first or second circlePyromancy spell. If this spell’s power is higher,the fire spell is countered. If cast against anongoing spell, that spell’s duration is ended.FrostSecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedResistAverage -RangeDuration5 m -All surfaces within range are coveredwith a thin layer of ice. An individualtrying to move within suffers a-2 movement penalty. They mayignore this by making an Acrobaticscheck against the strength of this effect.If they fail this check, they fall prone andtheir move ends. If any water is withinthis area, it will freeze instantly, down to1 meter in depth. Any individual insidethat water is immediately pushed below oroutside the area of effect.“Allow me to break the ice.”Glacier Fist IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedVery SlowRangeResistDodgeDuration10 m -Summons a mass of water or icethat encases one of the caster’s limbs,creating a massive limb of water. This limbmay be stretched to reach and manipulateunattended objects within 10 meters, as wellas to make an attack, using the spell’s power,but dealing 4d8 damage.Ice Craft IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedResistVery Slow -RangeDuration10 m -This spell can be used to craft simpleobjects out of ice, up to approximately1 cubic meter, without moving parts,but including complex decoration orintricate formations. Objects such asweapons or shields can be created, as wellas statues, structural support, etc. As longas these are touched by the caster they maintaingreat strength, but if they are unattended,they become brittle, able to be destroyed by aheavy object or fire magics.Ice Strike IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedVery FastRangeResistGritDuration3 m 1 roundCharges a Melee, Shot or Thrown weaponwith cold energy. When that weaponstrikes, it does an additional 4d6 icedamage. When it hits, the target mustmake a Grit check against the power ofthis effect or suffer 2d4 initiative damage.Ice Wall IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedResistAverage -RangeDuration7 m -Creates 10 thick sheets of ice, 2 metershigh, filling five adjacent, unoccupiedlocations within range. These walls can beshattered by dealing them damage with aheavy object or fire effect.“5 Ice Walls are an impediment. 10 are acrystal fortress.”Iceplate ArmorSecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedResistVery Slow -RangeDuration3 m 6 roundsCreates a set of shimmering blue armoraround the target. Although it does not harmthe wearer, this armor is extremely cold,dealing 2d6 ice damage to any individual whotouches the wearer. This armor reduces ice andfire damage by 10.Snowball IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedSlowRangeResistDodgeDuration15 m -Hurls up to 5 snowballs, each hitting anytarget within range. Each does 1d6 damageand 1 initiative damage.Storm Field IISecond Circle Ice Spell COST: 3SpeedResistAverage -RangeDuration10 m 3 roundsFills the area with heavy snowfall, obscuringall sight farther than 2 meters. All Icemagics in this area receive a +2 tech bonus.All fire effects incur a -2 tech penalty.133

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