BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Dark MawPOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES200,000 Demonic GargoylePolitical StructureClanPetrified JunglePOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES200,000 Demonic GorgonPolitical StructureClanThe largest mountain range in Thulyet emerges fromthe borderland convergence of Fire and Void. It isheavily volcanic and shrouded in void-tainted mists.In the peaks of the range’s center lays the Dark Maw.Birthplace of gargoyles and kirst’anhul demons,Dark Maw holds ancient history and magics barelyravaged by the wars and infighting of demonkind.Natural spires with bottomless valleys, unholy windsand weather, impregnable surrounding mountains allmake for a place no army would even dare assault werethey given a reason. The spires of the Dark Maw arehoneycombed with tunnels and caves cut by the Gargoylestone craftspeople for countless generations. The wallsare etched with the history of Thulyet and rituals ofstaggering unholy power.Home of the territorial Gorgon, the petrified jungle isso named for the statues that litter the ancient forests.There is no organization among the gorgon and theirnumbers are small, making them one of the most rareof sentient demons. The jungle is also home to the viledemon dragons, chaos deformed wildlife, and a jungleitself with animal level sentience. Gorgon live wild inthe jungle and the only permanent buildings are hiddenstone temples where rare gatherings are held.

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