BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Conversion from the D20 System And OthersThere is a wealth of content available for role-playing games, regardless of which particular rules those systems use.Reading stories and concepts from each systems provides some great options for your games, and translatingcontent from one such system to another greatly widens your options.More specifically, this section has some tools for conversion from the d20 system. While this is only one ofmany great games out there, it is a system that is particularly rich in available content, and so makes themost sense for direct conversion. These guidelines, while working well specifically for that system, explainsome of the ideas behind the conversion process, and can be used for other systems as well.Skill CapThe Mayhem game uses the skill cap as a way todetermine a character/monster’s effective level.The d20 uses a monster’s Hit Die as a way ofroughly approximating that character/monster’s level.Use the character’s Hit Die as a rough approximationof how high-level that monster is. Alternately,a character/monster’s challenge rating can also beused as their skill cap. In most cases, these two willbe roughly the same, but some may be higher in somethan others.AttributesTo fill out Mayhem attributes from their d20equivalents, follow the table below.Mayhem AttributeStrengthAgilityIntelligenceIntuitionD20 AttributeStrengthDexterityIntelligenceWisdomWillpower (Wisdom + Constitution) / 2EnduranceCharismaConstitutionCharismaCunning (Agility + Intelligence) / 2Since Willpower and Cunning don’t have direct analogues to thed20 system, it is safe to estimate what these would be for thatparticular character, or to take other stats, such as wisdom andconstitution for Willpower, or Agility and Intelligence for cunning.If this doesn’t quite fit, these numbers can be adjusted accordingto best fit. Also, it is not necessary to get a perfect average betweenthe d20 scores.Attribute ScoresTo fill out attribute scores, reduce all attribute scoresby 6, to a maximum of 16 and a minimum of 1.The character’s according skill die should follownormal rules.The attributes in the Mayhem game are designed todirectly reflect progression among the dice, from d4 tod12. Since the effective range of the d20 attributes rangesfrom 3 to 18, (most of which fall between 6 and 18,anyway,) it is reasonable to simply subtract 6 from allof these attributes.Attack SkillsIn 3.5, the base attack bonus functions essentially as theprimary attack skill. For some characters, that wouldwould be their Melee skill, but for others it could justas easily be a shot or thrown skill, or in some cases,take the place of their primary magic skill. It may beappropriate to apply bonuses based on the normalMayhem guidelines, including equipment, technique,and circumstance bonuses, as seems appropriate forthe character’s weapon, abilities, or other circumstantialadvantages or disadvantages.Defensive SkillsIn the Mayhem game a character’s defense is based ontheir defensive skills, including parry, dodge, autonomy,and grit.For a character’s Parry skill it is usually safe to use3.5 character’s base attack bonus, if they are usingmelee-style attacks, or to lower this by 2 or 4 ifthey are significantly weaker at parrying than theyare at attacking.For a character’s Dodge skill it is probably best touse their base reflex save value, not including bonuses,which should match up fairly directly with theDodge equivalent. If this does not quite match up,the storyteller can use it at the skill cap, or 2 or 4 lower.196

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