BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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PoisonFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedVery FastRangeResistGritDuration3 m 1 roundCharges a Melee, Shot or Thrown weaponwith poison. When that weapon strikes,it does an additional 2d6 damage.The target of this attack must make aGrit check or all skill dice are reducedby one step for three rounds.RegenerationFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedVery SlowRangeResistGritDuration3 m -The target is healed for 15 damage.They may not be affected by this spellagain for one hour.“Mortal wounds become minor scratches.”Spore CloudFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedAverageRangeResistGritDuration5 m 3 roundsA cloud of poisonous spores fills the areawithin range. All individuals within thatarea must make a Grit check, or lower allskill dice by 1 step.“This spell is a lot more intimidatingwhen you stop to think about what ishappening.”ThornsFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedResistSlow -RangeDuration3 m 1 hourOne wooden weapon is covered in thorns.These thorns will not harm the wielder ofthe weapon, but will cause an extra1d6 plant damage to anyone it strikes.TallgrassFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedResistVery Slow -RangeDuration5 m 1 hourThe caster may touch a flat surface,which sprouts tall grass, 2 meters high,and spreads 5 meters in all directions.This grass becomes an easy hiding place,providing two obstacles for ranged attacks.Fire or void magics, will wither this grass.“Instant grassification.”TangleweedFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedResistVery Slow -RangeDuration10 m 6 roundsIf standing near some plant mass, such astall grass, bushes, or trees, this spell causesthat mass to reach out and entangle anindividual. That individual may defendthemselves normally, but may not movefrom their location until they are freed.Removing an individual requires somesharp object to cut them out, or aStrength check with a difficulty of 20,as a very slow action.Thorn LashFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedSlowRangeResistDodgeDuration7 m -A lash of plant matter erupts fromthe ground in 3 spaces within range.These lashes deal 2d12 damage. This needsnot be done in earth, but must come fromsome solid surface. It does not disrupt thatsurface and disappears after the attack.ToadstoolFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedResistSlow -RangeDuration10 m 1 hourCreates a massive toadstool, 1 meter talland 3 meters across. This can support upto 200 pounds, and weighs 25 pounds itself.It is easily destroyed.“Casting fungus among us.”VineFirst Circle Plant Spell COST: 2SpeedAverageRangeResistDodgeDuration10 m 1 hourThe caster may fire a long vine, which mayreach out and attach itself to any object,surface, or individual. This vine is strongenough to climb, or to pull an individualaround with an opposed Strength check.It can be cut or detached easily, as a veryfast action, but withers instead of burningwhen subjected to fire or void effects.Individuals who do not wish to be affectedby this Vine may attempt to Dodge it.“Spellcasters have no need of many mundanetools. In this case, rope.”BriarsSecond Circle Plant Spell COST: 3SpeedResistVery Slow -RangeDuration1 m 1 hourThe caster may touch any flat surface,which sprouts a thick patch of briar,1 meter high and spreading 5 metersin all directions. This briar is difficultto move through, tangling up thosewho try to walk through it. It does notcause damage, but incurs a movementpenalty of 3. This does not slow thecaster. If subjected to fire or void magics,it will wither or burn, but only wheredirectly affected.144

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