BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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The Free People of DenPOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES2,000,000 Den AnyPolitical StructureRepresentative DemocracyDes PlayadaPOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES1,000,000 Den HumanPolitical StructureRuthless AristocracyThis nation is a wide collection of peoples fromaround the world, with a focus on personal freedom,where each individual has a part in the ruling processof the country. As such, the nation is somewhat chaoticand prone to constant shifts in politics and ideals.Even many monstrous races find their homes here,creating a tumultuous existence, as not everyone playswell together.The ingenuity and open-mind of Den has made it apioneering country in the science and art of alchemy.They are the premier location for the invention andmaking of arcane potions, which has become a valuabletrade. Their ports are known around the world forlucrative trade.Adventuring Hook: Many more aggressive monsters take advantageof the hospitality and open mind of this country, creating problemsfor the small towns and cities in it. The free people’s government.The Baronies of Des Playada are the wealthy resortsof the world. Owned by a small coalition of extremelywealthy and powerful Barons with interests aroundthe world, this country is protected by strong butsmall private military. The cities of Des Playada havebeen built fro the ground up for beauty and luxury.Poverty and ugliness are not tolerated. For thosewho can maintain the high standards of the Barons,Des Playada is a paradise. Others are promptly escortedto the borders and dumped in the lands of Den.Adventuring Hook: Des Playada is a thieving crew’s play land.The wealth that is displayed openly here is carefully guarded,most of the time, but presents a ripe fruit for the larceny-minded.Additionally, some of the baronies are willing to go to great lengthsin order to protect their holdings and provide great displays fortheir guests. This means that monsters are brought from aroundthe world for guard-animals as well as for exhibition. These animalsmust be caught, trained, and occasionally put down, if unable tobe controlled.

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