BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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NeiralThe continent of Neiral is divided into four regions, each with its own subtle culture and interactions.Each of these regions acts largely independently of the other three, and has it’s own internal struggles.The remainder of this chapter will be spent in explaining some of the important cities, nations,organizations and landmarks that can be included in the crimson Realms world. This information isvague and largely incomplete, to allow storytellers to explore on their own.The Unsettled NorthNORTHERN NATIONSThe frigid northern nations of Neiral are a placewhere people go for a little more peace and quiet thanis found over most of the continent. This peace andquiet, however, is relative, considering that the dangerouswinters and frozen tundras breed their own kinds ofmonsters. Places like Pelediem, Leandara and Davir,however, are known for having gentle people, accustomedto hard territory. The exception to this rule is the KardanRepublic, the black sheep of the northern community.POPULATION LANGUAGE RACES10,000 Any Fae, AnyPolitical StructureApart from some tribes of nomads and the fae thatlive there, the northern reaches of Neiral are mostlyunsettled. Beasts of the tundra are rumored to roam itsendless fields and forests, but the unrelenting winterdoes not make this life easy, and as such there are no–161

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