BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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LIGHT Axe statisticsWeapons attack Skill Hands Range Attack Parry Crit Die Speed reload spd PEN Req CostClub Melee 1/2 1 +1 - 6/12 2d6 Average - - - -Hatchet Melee/Thrown 1 1,5 +1 -1 5/10 1d12 Fast - - - 2 gDouble WieldAdvanced Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs ActiveWhen wielding two weapons with thisability, the warrior may make 2 attackssimultaneously, taking the slower of the twoaction speeds. Neither attack may crit.Follow ThroughAdvanced Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs PassiveIf an attack is successfully Dodged,that attack can instead be made againstanother opponent in range. Use the originalattack roll.Hammer ThrowAdvanced Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs PassiveIgnore one range increment when makingthrown attacks.Wind-up ThrowAdvanced Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs PassiveMake a very fast action to prepare a throw.If the next attack is a Thrown attack,that attack gains a +2 technique bonus.Double TossExpert Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs ActiveThrow two weapons, one from each hand,striking two separate targets. Each attacksuffers a -2 penalty, and neither can crit.DragExpert Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs CritIf a crit is rolled, the character mayimmediately make an opposed Strengthcheck to move the opponent 1 meter toeither side.KneecapExpert Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs CritIf a double-crit is rolled, the target suffersa -2 movement penalty for the remainderof combat.ResonateExpert Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs PassiveIf a Melee attack made is successfullyparried, it still deals shock damage asthough it had hit with no extra damage dice.Axe MasterMaster Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING10 Techs PassiveAll light axe techs that grant a +2 techniquebonus to Melee attacks instead grant a+4 technique bonus, and all that incur a-2 penalty instead incur no penalty.Elbow StrikeMaster Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Expert Techs CritIf a double-crit is rolled, the target suffersa -2 penalty to all skill actions taken for theremainder of combat.Secondary AttackMaster Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Expert Techs ActiveAfter a successful attack with a weaponin the character’s other hand, they mayimmediately attack again with thisweapon. Use the slower speed of the two.This weapon cannot crit, and cannot beused again in the same action.Shell BreakerMaster Light Axe tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Expert Techs ActiveIgnore up to 5 points of armor reduction.103

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