BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Leeven“Where am I going? I dunno, but I do knowthat I’m a Leeven! Heh. See what I did there?Anyway, gotta run.”The Leeven is a humanoid rabbit, with tall ears andpowerful legs that allow them to move very quickly.Having a Leeven around is deemed good luck.They make good friends and great company, if onehas the patience, because their short attention spansand excitable natures can make them challenging tothose who prefer peace and quiet.The Leeven come from the continent of Keiraset tothe far south, from a large country called Minova.This old and stable empire is vastly populated with theLeeven, who live in networks of underground warrensbuilt into huge, complicated cities.The Leeven get along with just aboutanybody, for at least a while. Exceptionsare some ofthe more predatory species, such asthe Carnac and other aggressive animal anddemonic races.Leeven are curious and are plagued with wanderlust.They often travel just to see what is over the next hill.They do, however, have a strong sense of community,and so will eventually return to their point of origin.Leeven live as long as most human, generally, althoughmany die young of heart difficulty or foolish decisions.They are born in litters of two to ten.Leeven AbilitiesType Inhuman attributes IncompatibilitiesRace Intuition, Endurance RacesInnate Racial AbilitiesRabbit’s Foot: With exceptional leg-power, the Leeven may kick very hard.When kicking, they gain an equipment bonus of +2, do 3d6 damage, with a critrange of 6/12, and a speed of slow.Rabbit Skills: The Leeven gains a +1 technique bonus to Athletics, Perception andCharm checks. They are exceptionally athletic , perceptive, and are quite charming.Rabbit Run: The Leeven has exceptional endurance. They may run nearly endlesslywithout tiring for hours at a time. They still need to sleep, but otherwise there is nolimit to their physical exertion.Bound: The Leeven may jump 5 meters into the air, vertically or horizontally,as an average action.Rabbit Sprint: When sprinting, Increase their movement speed by one step.Advanced Abilities COST: 2TIER1234Advanced AbilitiesLong Jump: The Rabbit may make a 7 meters, horizontally or vertically,as a slow action.Double Jump: When jumping up a wall with their Bound ability,the Leeven may make one additional bound, either directly up or awayfrom the wall as a free action.Rabbit Skills: The Leeven’s bonus to Athletics, Perception and charmincrease to +3.Superb Kick: The Leeven may choose to use a heavier kick, using anequipment bonus of +1, dealing 3d8 damage, with a crit range of 6/12,and attacking as a very slow action.56

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