BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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DryadDRYAD AbilitiesType Inhuman attributes IncompatibilitiesRace Endurance, Willpower RacesAdvanced Abilities COST: 2TIERAdvanced Abilities1 Sleepless: The Dryad need not sleep.Innate Racial AbilitiesPlant Resistant: The Dryad is resistant to plant and poison. Reduce all Plantdamage by 10.Iron Taboo: As a Fae creature, the Dryad is harmed by iron, steel and othermetals. If they touch such a metal, even through cloth or leather, they suffer1d4 damage per round. If attacked by a metal weapon, that weapon deals1d4 additional damage.Arcane Resilience: The Dryad is especially resilient against magic. They gain a+1 bonus to any check made to resist the effects of magic.Bark Skin: The Dryad’s skin is especially tough, with a bark-like grain in places thatacts as a natural armor. Reduce all damage by 2.Fae Skills: The Dryad are experts in wilderness lore. They gain a +1 bonus toWilderness, Empathy and Perception.Plantspeak: The Dryad feels the emotions of plants, and may even speak tothem on a limited scale. They can speak to a plant as though it were a sentient,if weakly intelligent, creature. A plant will remember all the events it has been near.They have very long memories.Photosynthesize: Dryads float They also photosynthesize, negating the need foreating normal food, although they still require water. They must have exposure tothe sun for several hours a day or they may run the risk of ‘starving.’234Regeneration: The Dryad needs only spend a few hours standing still inthe sunlight, with plenty of water, to regenerate all damage.Fae Skills: Increase the Dryad’s bonus to Wilderness, Empathy andPerception to +3.Plant Servant: The Dryad may call a small plant-servant from normalplant matter. This creature is made from plant mass, and follows the Dryadaround wherever they go. It can follow simple commands, and can becommanded to make melee attacks. This creature has 20 life and isimmune to plant, poison, and void effects. It has an attack range of one,Melee and Dodge skills equal to the Dryad’s Plant elemental skill,and deals 2d6 damage as an average action, with a crit range of 5/10.It will automatically be destroyed if it moves more than 3 meters awayfrom the Dryad. It has a duration of 6 rounds, a recoil of 24 hours, andrequires a very slow action to summon.The Dryad are darker skinned, tan or bronze, andthey develop some bark-like patterns along their skin.They can grow some leaves and vines among their hair.They have exceptionally large and dark eyes. As Fae,they are slightly smaller in stature than normal humans,averaging four to five feet tall, and are similarly thinner.The Dryad are patient and thoughtful, masters ofphilosophy and fiction in story form. They are irritated,however, by the brashness of others. They have a deepseatedfear of fire, and a strong dislike for technology ingeneral, which almost invariably requires more resourcestaken from the wild and brings other races closer to theirown homes.The Dryads can be found scattered throughout mostof the world, found anywhere there is forest or jungleor other places of heavy vegetation, and stay away fromdeserts and other similarly desolate places.The Dryad, as Fae, can live for hundreds, even thousandsof years. Their policy of avoidance generally makesthem long-lived. When confronted with other races,the Dryad will likely disappear into the forest,using their knowledge of the wood to hide.“We Dryad live with the trees. We want nothing morethan to dance with the leaves and to enjoy the shadeof the forest.”73

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