BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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The Ulreich do not tolerate outsiders inside their owncamps, but they do have a tentative alliance with theLuithan, Seiren and Manchesty clans, even thoughthey have been known to raid these allies when it isconvenient or necessary. The frustration of dealing withthe Wyvren Riders as raiders is tolerated by other tribesfor their usefulness as hired aerial scouts and as fightingunits. The Ulreich live in rocky outcroppings in theEthean Plains, where the wyvren roost.The Luithan ClanPOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES500,000 Ethean HumanPolitical StructureClanThe Luithan clansmen are very proud of their traditionof horse breeding. They have the largest and mosteffective cavalry in the known world, training heavywar-horses, lighter breeds for riding and racing,and even work animals. They trade these horses at asteep price, but its well worth it, as they are, arguably,the best bred, best trained, and best kept animals inthe world. Their exceptional horses make it relativelyeasy for them to care for and defend their herds,which means that their herds are larger in size thanany of the other clans, with the single exception of theVerdan clan. Due to their wealth, the Luithan spendmuch of their time defending themselves from the raidsof other clans, particularly from the Gheri clan and theGilden clan. The Luithan clan is allied with the Seirenclan, the Manchesty Clan, and the Ulreich clan.They compete heavily with the Gilden and theVerdan clans. They wander the plains in large groups.The Ygrasi ClanPOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES200,000 Ethean HumanPolitical StructureClanthose with any real talent and bringing them into theirown culture. The Ygrasi live in small cities, built on thebacks of Giant Tortoises, up to a thousand meters acrossin size, and they roam around the Ethean plains doingtrade with the other tribes. They are extremely wealthy,living lavishly in these small cities, and are arrogant inthe extreme. Their might is also based on a mastery ofenhancement and destruction magics, and they trainmassive, enhanced war-elephants, from which they castmagics on their foes. As a defensive force, the Ygrasiare very capable of defending the Ethean bordersfrom outside incursion, but have no interest in foreigninvasion. The leaders of all other tribes come to theYgrasi to obtain their education, and while outsidersare not unheard of, they are fairly uncommon.The Gheri ClanPOPULATION LANGUAGE RACES200,000 Ethean HumanPolitical StructureClanThis clan is the black sheep of the Ethean plain.They have no exports, but live solely on raiding thatthey do to the other tribes and even to foreignsettlements. Their societies are built on a parasiticphilosophy that could be paralleled to a vulture’smentality. The Gheri Clan wear black exclusively,even when it inhibits daytime camouflage ability.They are very ill-liked amongst the other clans.Their own history claims that they were somehowslighted by the other tribes, that they were a rulingbody for a once-united tribe, and were unjustlyousted from the other tribes. A hard lifestyle hasmade them bitter and hard people. The Gheri ridethe same spider-like creatures as the Gilden tribe,which make very effective high-speed cavalry for hitand run raids. These mounts account to the fact thatthey haven’t yet been eradicated. The Gheri is the onlytribe that does not depend on the magic of the Ygrasi,and they have build their own arcane forces based onNecromancy, Compulsion, Detriment and Illusion.They strike other tribes fast, with lethal force,and leave quickly.For the Ethean clans, the Ygrasi are the center foreducation, and political influence. They train all of theEthean spell-casters, recruiting from other tribes for173

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