BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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LightningFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedFastRangeResistGritDuration5 m -A massive charge of electric energy fires outin a line from the caster. All caught withinsuffer 3d6 damage.“Zot.”ReturnFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedResistFree -RangeDuration3 m -Cast this spell when making a thrownattack with any weapon. That weaponimmediately returns to the caster.“Boomerang! You do come back!”Spark FlashFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedInstantRangeResistGritDuration20 m -With a great discharge of electric energy,all individuals within range are dealt1d4 damage.“While very inefficient in the long term,there are times when a quick burst of lowpower is the ideal strategy.”Spark StrikeFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedResistVery Fast -RangeDuration3 m 1 roundCharges a Melee, Shot or Thrown weaponwith a electric energy. When that weaponstrikes, it does an additional 2d6 damage.When it hits, the target must make a Gritcheck against the power of this effect orsuffer 1d4 feedback.Static StunFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedVery FastRangeResistGritDuration6 m -The target suffers 1d6 initiative damage.“Sideffects: headaches, diziness, nausea,and potentially some short-termmemory loss.”Wind CraftFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedResistVery Slow -RangeDuration10 m 1 hourSolidifies a mass of air. This can take anyshape occupying up to 2 cubic meters,and is only marginally visible.Wind FieldFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedResistFast -RangeDuration5 m 1 roundFills the area within range with an intensewindstorm. All ranged attacks that passthrough this area suffer a -2 penalty.All Wind based spells that pass throughthis area gain a +2 tech bonus on theirresist difficulties. All earth-based spellsthat pass through this area incur a-2 techn penalty. Winged flight inthis area suffers a move penalty of 2.WindburstFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedVery FastRangeResistGritDuration3 m -Creates a massive burst of wind.All individuals and unsecured objectswithin 20 meters are pushed 1d6 metersaway from the caster.Wind ShieldFirst Circle Wind Spell COST: 2SpeedResistVery Fast -RangeDuration10 m 3 roundsThe target is surrounded by a vortex ofwind, able to repel many attacks. If anyMelee attack is made against that character,this spell will attempt to parry that attack,using the spell’s power as the parry value.If a Shot or Thrown attack is made,attempt to parry it without any of thenormal penalties.“Also good for warding off small insects.”Chain LightningSecond Circle Wind Spell COST: 3SpeedVery FastRangeResistGritDuration5 m -A strong electric burst fires from thecaster’s hands to one target within range.That target suffers 2d10 damage. If thattarget takes damage, the charge maycontinue to another target within 5 metersof that one, with an identical effect. If maycontinue to jump to new targets as long asthey continue to be affected, but may notreturned to a previously shocked target.Cutting Gale IISecond Circle Wind Spell COST: 3SpeedSlowRangeResistGritDuration10 m -The area around the caster is filled withmildly destructive wind. All individualswithin 10 meters of the caster take6d4 damage.140

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