BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Important Features and LandmarksAktranan, the Temple of Wrath: On the small northernisland of the Drailur chain crouches the massivegranite edifice of Aktranan. The temple has been built,rebuilt, and added to over the centuries, millennium,and Ages. The single, contiguous structure spans fortysquare miles and some of the spires and protrudingstructures can tower close to a mile above the island’sground level. From the inland walls, to the elaborateand expansive dockyards from which most majorinvasions have been launched, the entire temple isdark, solid granite spider-webbed with arcane andelemental glyphs.Embrace: The wedge-shaped central island of Drailuris known to be the most ‘civilized.’ At the tip of thiswedge shies the city of Embrace. The city looks outto the oceans that lead to the rest of the Realmsand the lighthouses that spring like mushroomsfrom the dangerous jagged reefs always have the on.A traveler on approach from the seas would seea dozen multicolored lights making beautifulpatterns and connecting light shows above the low,black-tinged mist clinging to the water. The city isa quintessential Drailur city. Soaring buildings,the bottoms of which are choked in refuse andbeings bereft of hope. Bridges elegant and functionalspan the upper reaches, towers leaning with age uponthe support of newer constructs. Heavy traffic fillsboth ground and sky, and those without guardfall regularly from heights. It is the most commonused entry point to Drailur, and onto Thulyet,being somewhat more friendly to non-demonsthan most cities.War Fields: The War Fields of Drailur are miles ofopen land left open for war games and real battles.The battle fields within vary from rolling fields ofblood-fed thorn grass, to swaths of razor sharpobsidian shards, to ruined cites. The battles aregambled upon

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