BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Winged CombatThe capacity to move through the air is a tremendous tactical advantage, but has some major drawbacks.See Chapter 4 for additional rules on the specifics of how winged and flight-based combat works.Dive Attackbasic Flight tech cOST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGActiveThe character may make a Meleeattack while landing. This attack gainsa +4 tech bonus.Dive Descentbasic Flight tech cOST: 2PREREQUISITEAcrobatics 5STACKINGActiveThe character may descend 20 meters,straight down, as a very slow action.Strong FlightExpert Flight tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING1 Advanced Tech ActiveThe character may increase their flightcarrying weight by 200 pounds.Swift AscensionMaster Flight tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING1 Expert Tech ActiveThe character may ascend straight up atnormal flight speeds.HoverMaster Flight tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING1 Expert Tech ActiveThe character may remain flying withoutmaking a move action.Flyby AttackAdvanced Flight tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING1 basic Tech PassiveThe character may make a melee or thrownattack while flying and moving.Tight BankAdvanced Flight tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING1 basic Tech PassiveDecrease the flier’s turn radius by 1.Flyby BomberExpert Flight tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING1 Advanced Tech ActiveThe character may use Shot or Thrownattacks, or cast spells while moving.122

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