BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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Mounted TechniquesA warrior’s best friend is a powerful mount. A good mount a source for speed and power, but can also be apowerful ally, as many mounts are capable of attacking on their own. For outdoor combat in the open field,mounted combat is a powerful tactical option.MOUNTED statisticsWeapons attack Skill Hands Range Attack Parry Crit Die Speed reload spd PEN Req CostLance Melee 1 3 -1 -2 3/6 2d10 Very Slow - - Str 9 3 gSport Lance Melee 1 3 -1 -2 5/10 1d10 Very Slow - - Str 9 3 gLance: For raw power, there is no equalto the momentum of a charging mountand rider with a lance.Sport Lace: A sport lance is designed muchlike the regular lance, but is blunted forcompetition. It will likely shatter on use.Defend Mountbasic Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGPassiveThe rider may parry on behalf of their mount.Lancerbasic Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEMelee 5STACKINGActiveCharging with a pole weapon from horsebackmay triple crit.Shield Riderbasic Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITEAnimal 5STACKINGActiveThey may hold shield and reigns in one hand.Fast MountAdvanced Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs PassiveRide By AttackAdvanced Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs ActiveMake an attack during a move action.UnhorseAdvanced Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Basic Techs ActiveAfter a lance, spear or other polearmattack against another mounted opponent,that opponent must make a Grit checkequal to the Melee roll or be knocked fromtheir mount.Dismount ChargeExpert Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs ActiveLeap off the mount to make a charge attack.Gain a +2 bonus on that charge.Horseback ArcheryExpert Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs ActiveMake a Shot or Thrown attack during amounted move.Mounted CounterattackExpert Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Advanced Techs ActiveIf an opponent attacks the mount, ratherthan defending on behalf of the mount,they may make a counterattack as afree action.Advanced Ride-by AttackMaster Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Expert Techs ActiveAs ride-by attack, but they may make twoattacks at a -2 penalty, against separate targets,on either side of the mount. They must bewielding two weapons or a double weapon touse this ability.Expert LancerMaster Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING2 Expert Techs ActiveGain a +4 technique bonus to all lanceattacks made from a charging mount.Mounted Combat MasterMaster Mounted tech COST: 2PREREQUISITESTACKING10 Techs PassiveGain a +3 bonus to Animal checks for riding.They may mount or dismount as part of amove action.121

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