BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign

BW PDF - Midnight Campaign


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SephretSephret AbilitiesType Inhuman attributes IncompatibilitiesRace Intuition, Willpower RacesInnate Racial AbilitiesFire Resistant: The Sephret is resistant to heat. Reduce all Fire damage by 10.Iron Taboo: As a Fae creature, the Sephret is harmed by iron, steel and other metals.If they touch such a metal, even through cloth or leather, they suffer 1d4 damageper round. If attacked by a metal weapon, they take 1d4 additional damage.Arcane Resilience: The Sephret is especially resilient against magic. They gain a+1 bonus to any check made to resist the effects of magic.Fire Skin: The Sephret’s skin is hot to the touch, and gives off a faint, brightlycolored flame. This does not harm the Sephret, but causes 1d6 fire damage toanyone who touches them. This applies every time the Sephret makes a grapplecheck, and every time they attack or are attacked with a natural attack. Prolongedcontact deals 1d6 fire damage per round.Fae Skills: The Sephret are aggressive, but charismatic. They gain a +1 bonus toPerception, Intimidate and Charm.Torchlight: The Sephret’s fiery skin gives off enough light to illuminate as a torch.They suffer a -4 penalty to Sneak checks.Heat Object: The Sephret may heat an unattended metal object to unbearabletemperatures. If another individual touches that object they take 1d6 damageinitially and 1d6 every round they continue touching it, even through cloth orleather, making it ineffective for wielding. This effect lasts for 1 hour.Advanced Abilities COST: 2TIER1234Advanced AbilitiesFirewalker: The Sephret may leave fire in their footsteps when they walk.When they move, they trail a tall flame, which occupies that space for 1round after they pass. Anyone entering this space suffers 2d8 fire damage.This can ignite flammable materials.Grappleflare: The Sephret may exert a tremendous amount of heat in anexplosive burst, granting them a +3 technique bonus to escape a grapple.This acts as a very slow action.Fae Skills: Increase the Tian’s bonus to Intimidate, Perception and Charmto +3. They are quite an impressive sight, and their vibrance can have greatimpact on others.Fire Servant: The Sephret may call a small fire-based servant fromnormal flame. This creature is made from solid flame, and follows theSephret around wherever they go. It can follow simple commands, andcan be commanded to make melee attacks. This creature has 20 life andis immune to fire, water and ice effects. It has an attack range of one,Melee and Dodge skills equal to the Sephret’s Fire elemental skill, anddeals 2d6 damage as an average action, with a crit range of 5/10. It willautomatically be destroyed if it moves more than 3 meters away. It has aduration of 6 rounds, a recoil of 24 hours, and requires a very slow actionto summon.The Sephret drip fire from their skin. The tone and hue ofthis fire changes from individual to individual and evenslightly from one emotional state to the next.They have bronze or pale skin.The Sephret do nothing halfway. When calm, they areplacid. When caring, they are infatuated. When irritated,they are inconsolable. When angry, they are murderouslyenraged. The Sephret can be found scattered throughoutmost of the world, occupying places where the elementof fire is strongest, such as rocky desert or volcanicregions. They loathe large bodies of water, even whenliving on volcanic islands. Being immersed does not killthem, but is very uncomfortable.The Sephret hunt other races for sport, and so areconsidered a nuisance and a threat to other nations andpeoples. They are thrill-seekers by nature, and will travelfor the sake of hunting dangerous animals, honing theirskills, or for the thrill of combat. While they can livefor very long times, they frequently don’t. An ancientSephret is a sight to behold.“There are really only two kinds of people in the world,family and foes. Family don’t mind when they get a littlesinged. Foes don’t live to mind.”76

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