Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan: The Decline ...

Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan: The Decline ...

Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan: The Decline ...


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INDEX 257Han fei zi. See Kanpishi.hankō (doma<strong>in</strong> schools),3, 11, 15,16, 41, 48, 52, 55, 174Hara Hakukei (1789–1828),104,105Hara Kosho (1764–1827),104, 105Hara Saih<strong>in</strong> (1789–1859),104Hasegawa Nyozekan (1875–1969),194Hatsu taika dokuhon, Hatsukabun.See Tōsō hatsukabun dokuhonHayashi Kakuryō (1806–1878),47,81, 120–121, 122, 134–135, 155,160, 161–162Hayashi Razan (1583–1657),10Hayashi Ryōsai (1807–49),92Hearn, Lafcadio (1850–1904),192Hio Keizan (1789–1859),123Hio Kuniko (1815–85),123Hio Naoko (1829–97),82, 123, 226Hiramoto K<strong>in</strong>sai (1810–76),177,178, 179Hiranuma Yoshirō (1864–1938),225Hiroike Chikurō (1866–1938),200,220–221, 230Hirosaki54–55, 118Hirose Gōden,49Hirose Kyokusō (1807–63),13Hirose R<strong>in</strong>gai (1836–84),13Hirose Seison (1819–84),13Hirose Tansō (1787–1856),3, 5, 12,98, 107, 160, 161, 227Hiroshima city,118Hōmei gijuku,200–201Hyōgo prefecture,52–53, 118Ibaraki prefecture,185, 186Ikeda Sōan (Shū; 1813–78),60, 89–98, 122, 123, 125, 127, 151, 163–164, 165commemorated,98, 212correspondents,183heirs,98Inoue Enryō (1858–1919),23Inoue Kowashi (1843–95,Education M<strong>in</strong>ister),18, 27Inoue Yorikuni (1839–1914),220Inukai Shōsō (Hiroshi, Gensaburō,1816–93),122–123, 124–125Inukai Tsuyoshi (1855–1932),47,152, 159Ishihama Juntarō (1888–1968),214Ishii Hakutei (1822–1958),199Ishikawa Ken (1891–1969),230Ishikawa Matsutarō,230Itō Hirobumi (1841–1901),111, 184,188Iwate prefecture,182jiashu,240.See also kajukujiyū m<strong>in</strong>ken undō (Freedom andPeople’s Rights Movement),21,184, 191Jōū kōtō jogakkō,218–219Jūhatsu shiryaku (Shiba shi lue;Outl<strong>in</strong>es <strong>of</strong> the Eighteen Histories),77, 83, 95, 100, 132, 133, 153, 194jukuattendance28–29, 38, 43–43, 48,116, 174build<strong>in</strong>gs,79–80, 97, 98–100,104, 108–109, 146–147bully<strong>in</strong>g,158Ch<strong>in</strong>a,240–241cram schools,43, 197–201, 231curriculum,29, 30, 31, 32, 68,74, 77–78, 85–86, 94–95, 100,127–135, 239daily life at,97, 101, 105–106,108–109, 146–151def<strong>in</strong>ition2, 3, 41, 240discipl<strong>in</strong>e,95, 101, 136, 148,155–157exam<strong>in</strong>ations,74–76, 83, 85,134, 135, 177

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