Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan: The Decline ...

Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan: The Decline ...

Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan: The Decline ...


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PRIVATE ACADEMIES OF CHINESE LEARNING IN MEIJI JAPAN 63In 1839 Sokken opened his Sankei juku <strong>in</strong> Kōjimachi. Over theyears he had to move several times, and <strong>in</strong> the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g he wasso poor that he could hardly buy books <strong>of</strong> his own and had toborrow them from a wealthy merchant. But his fame grew and bythe late 1850s he is said to have taught hundreds <strong>of</strong> students,although only a few <strong>of</strong> their names are known. 4 Many weretalented people from different doma<strong>in</strong>s who later becamepolitical leaders or educators. Sokken was by then well knownamong the literati <strong>of</strong> Edo. Soon after mov<strong>in</strong>g there, he organizeda literary association, where members would criticize eachother’s work over dr<strong>in</strong>ks <strong>of</strong> sake. 5In 1862 Sokken’s contribution to learn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the capital was atlast <strong>of</strong>ficially recognized and he was appo<strong>in</strong>ted to the Shōheikōby the shogunate. This was remarkable, because until then theshogunate had only appo<strong>in</strong>ted Confucianists <strong>of</strong> the orthodoxschool <strong>of</strong> Zhu Xi and Sokken was an adherent <strong>of</strong> the kogaku(Ancient learn<strong>in</strong>g, prist<strong>in</strong>e Confucianism) school. Only monthsbefore his appo<strong>in</strong>tment his wife Sayoko died. She had followedhim from Obi doma<strong>in</strong> and served him through the years when hewas too poor to afford servants. Immortalized <strong>in</strong> Mori Ōgai’s taleYasui fuj<strong>in</strong>, she was held up as a model <strong>of</strong> virtue <strong>in</strong> middle schooltextbooks before the Second World War. 6Dur<strong>in</strong>g the Restoration wars Sokken left the capital and stayed<strong>in</strong> a village farmhouse <strong>in</strong> Saitama prefecture for eight months. Hespent his time writ<strong>in</strong>g, teach<strong>in</strong>g and observ<strong>in</strong>g the hard life <strong>of</strong> thepeasants. He returned to Edo at the end <strong>of</strong> 1868 and reopened hisjuku. He was <strong>of</strong>fered a post <strong>in</strong> the new government, but decl<strong>in</strong>edon the grounds <strong>of</strong> his old age. He also decl<strong>in</strong>ed when it wassuggested that he become lecturer to the <strong>Meiji</strong> emperor. 7 In theyears before his death he suffered from ill health, affect<strong>in</strong>gespecially his legs and his eyesight. Many former pupils visitedhim dur<strong>in</strong>g his last illness.<strong>The</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Sankei juku is an allusion to a passage <strong>in</strong> a work(falsely) ascribed to Guan Zhong (d. 645 BC), a chapter <strong>in</strong> theGuanzi. Sokken expla<strong>in</strong>ed the name and stated his pr<strong>in</strong>ciples <strong>in</strong>his “Sankei juku ki” [Record <strong>of</strong> Sankei juku] : 8What does Sankei mean? <strong>The</strong> total measure <strong>of</strong> a day <strong>of</strong> aday is decided <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>g, that <strong>of</strong> a year <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>gand that <strong>of</strong> a lifetime <strong>in</strong> youth. Why does my juku bear thisname? I thought <strong>of</strong> students, who tend to sleep late and<strong>in</strong>dulge <strong>in</strong> their sexual passions. <strong>The</strong> students who come to

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