Final Report - Asian Development Bank

Final Report - Asian Development Bank

Final Report - Asian Development Bank


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TA 4721-PRC: Preparing the Shaanxi-Qinling Mountains Integrated Ecosystem Management Project<br />

<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Appendix 5<br />

the release criteria of the Reintroduction Specialist Group in 2002 led to the conclusion that release of<br />

captive pandas was not recommended, pending the outcome of the third census in 2004 16 .<br />

61. The third census (Figure 1, Table 6) showed a 44 percent increase in total Panda numbers<br />

and a 150 percent increase in the Qinling population as compared to the second (1989) census.<br />

These results indicate that the wild populations are recovering naturally from the very low numbers of<br />

the late 1980s and that the first reason for reintroduction (augment numbers of Pandas in the wild) is<br />

no longer valid.<br />

62. After 17 years of study of Giant Pandas in the Qinling, Pan Wenshi and colleagues<br />

concluded in 2002 that the genetic diversity of the Qinling population had not been degraded by<br />

inbreeding 17 . This result indicates that the second reason for reintroduction of captive Pandas<br />

(increase genetic diversity in the wild) is not applicable to the population in the Qinling.<br />

63. The 66 percent increase in area occupied by Pandas from the second to the third census<br />

indicates that Pandas are naturally dispersing to habitats that are suitable but previously unoccupied.<br />

This is further evidence that the population is recovering naturally and that the risk and expense of<br />

reintroduction are not warranted.<br />

c. Sichuan Golden Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana)<br />

64. Four species of Golden Monkeys live in mountainous habitats in northern Vietnam and<br />

southwest China 18 (Table 8). The Sichuan golden monkey occurs in Shaanxi Province and on the<br />

proposed Project Area where it lives in deciduous broadleaf and conifer forests at 1,200-3,000 m. The<br />

three China Golden Monkeys occupy forests with distinct seasons and snow in winter. This<br />

adaptation to subtropical and temperate forests distinguishes the Chinese species from other<br />

primates, most of which are adapted to tropical habitats.<br />

65. Golden monkeys live at low total population numbers and densities. Individual groups range<br />

over large areas to forage for a high-quality diet of fruits, seeds, leaves and shoots (Table 7). Golden<br />

monkeys mature at seven years of age and adults make up around 50% of wild populations. The<br />

interbirth interval is estimated at three years.<br />

66. All four species of golden monkey are globally threatened but the Sichuan Golden Monkey is<br />

least vulnerable to extinction, with an IUCN classification of Vulnerable (Table 7). With reference to<br />

the Endangered Guizhou Golden Monkey, Conservation International noted that “even in the absence<br />

of any external threats, populations smaller than 200 monkeys can not be considered viable” 13 . This is<br />

due largely to disease risks among small populations. The total Qinling population is thought to<br />

exceed 4,000. However, it occurs as many small and sometimes isolated populations in fragmented<br />

habitats. Continuous (unfragmented) stands of dense forest habitat are needed to maximize genetic<br />

exchange between Golden Monkey sub-populations and thereby increase population viability.<br />

16 Mainka, S., W. S. Pan, D. Kleiman and Z. Lu. 2004. Reintroduction of Giant Pandas: An update. Pages 246-<br />

249 in Lindburg, D. and K. Baragona (eds) Giant Pandas: Biology and Conservation. University of California<br />

Press, Berkeley. 308 p.<br />

17 Pan, W. S., Y. Long, D. J. Wang, H. Wang, Z. Lu and X. J. Zhu. 2004. Future survival of Giant Pandas in the<br />

Qinling mountains of China. Pages 81-87 in Lindburg, D. and K. Baragona (eds) Giant Pandas: Biology and<br />

Conservation. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA.<br />

18 Conservation International. 1999. Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkey: Conservation and PHVA Workshop.<br />

Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve. 25-29 October 1999.<br />


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