Exotic Animal Formulary5

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Sudden death

Weight loss

Infectious agents: bacterial abscess, mycobacteria

(rare), mycoses (rare), protozoal cyst,

myxosporeans, helminths (e.g., immature

trematodes and cestodes), subcutaneous

leeches, fly larvae, mites, pentastomes

Noninfectious causes: lymphatic blockage (e.g.,

gout), xanthomatosis, toxicosis, trauma,

fluid overload, thermal injury, hypocalcemia,

neoplasia, normal (e.g., active marsupium of

Gastrotheca spp. females, water sacs of

Cycloderma rana, distended lymphatic sacs of

Ceratophrys spp.)

Infectious agents: bacteria, mycoses, nematodes

Noninfectious causes: scar, corneal

lipidosis/xanthomatosis, trauma, chemical

irritation, toxicosis, neoplasia

Infectious agents: iridovirus, bacteria,

chamydiosis, chytridiomycosis

Noninfectious causes: toxicosis (ammonia,

household pesticides, chlorine),

electrocution, hypothermia, hyperthermia,

trauma, gastric overload/impaction, stress,

drowning, neoplasia

Infectious agents: bacteria, virus,

chromomycosis, other mycoses,

mycobacteria, coccidiosis, flagellate or ciliate

overgrowth, helminths


Biology review of species

in question;

husbandry review

(diet, water quality

tests, soil pH,

temperature); aspirate

(wet mount, stained,

culture); fecal parasite

exams; plasma uric

acid, cholesterol, and


radiograph for

skeletal density;

plasma calcium and

phosphorus; skin and

blood cultures; CBC

and other plasma


Husbandry review; slit

lamp ophthalmic

exam; culture and

sensitivity; plasma

cholesterol and


Biology review of species

in question;

husbandry review

(diet, water quality

tests, soil pH,

temperature); PCR

tests for ranavirus

and chytrid;

necropsy; physical

exam of cagemates

(include CBC, plasma

biochemistries, blood

culture, fecal parasite

exams); consider

euthanasia and

necropsy of one or

more cagemates

Biology review of species

in question;

husbandry review

(diet, water quality

tests, soil pH,


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