Exotic Animal Formulary5

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Insulin 1 U/kg SC q12h 84 Chinchillas

1-3 U/kg q12-24h

SC 30

1-2 U/animal SC

q12h 84

1-3 U/animal SC

q12h 84

Guinea pigs, chinchillas, degus/starting

dose is 1 U/kg 30

Guinea pigs


2 U/animal SC 84 Hamsters, gerbils

Iodine, I-131


1 mCi/animal SC

once 78

Guinea pigs/hyperthyroidism

Kaolin pectin 0.2 mL PO q6-8h 2 Guinea pigs/antidiarrheal

1-2 mL/kg PO q2-

6h 84

Lactulose 0.5 mL/kg PO q12h 84 Most species/constipation, hepatic disorders

2 mL/kg PO prn 29,30 Most species/constipation

Leuprolide acetate depot

(Lupron Depot, TAP


0.2-0.3 mg/kg IM

q28d 92

Guinea pigs/follicular ovarian cysts

Levetiracetam 20 mg/kg PO q8h 84 Prairie dogs/seizures

Levothyroxine 5 µg/kg PO q12h 84 Most species/hypothyroidism

10-20 µg/kg PO

q24h 30

Guinea pigs/hypothyroidism

Loperamide 0.1 mg/kg PO q8h 41,84 All species/diarrhea; limit use to avoid

gastrointestinal stasis

Magnesium hydroxide 4 mg/kg PO 52 prn Prevention of calcium oxalate uroliths




0.5-2 mg/kg PO

q24h 78

1-3 mg/kg PO q8-

24h 63

0.2-1 mg/kg PO, SC,

IM q12h 90

0.5-1 mg/kg PO, SC

q6-12h 84

1-5 mg/kg q8-12h

SC, PO 29,30

8 mg/animal PO

q24h×4 wk 31,52

Guinea pigs/hyperthyroidism

Guinea pigs/hyperthyroidism

Most species

Guinea pigs/antiemetic and upper

gastrointestinal prokinetic



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