Exotic Animal Formulary5

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0.5-2 mg/kg IM 211 Crocodilians


0.01 mg/kg SC, 34 IM,

IV 23

Most species/preanesthetic; for excess oral

or respiratory mucus; rarely indicated;

generally use only in profound or

prolonged bradycardia; may be

preferable to atropine; 104 does not work

at this dose in green iguanas 302

Haloperidol 0.5-10 mg/kg IM q7-

14d 367

Boids/aggression management

Hyaluronidase (Wydase,


25 U/dose SC 220 Crocodilians/combine with premedication,

anesthetic, or reversal drugs to

accelerate SC absorption

Isoflurane 3%-5% induction, 173


maintenance 38

3% in 100% O 2 and

21% O 2


5% via chamber in

5 L/min O 2


Most species/inhalation anesthetic of

choice in reptiles; induction, 6-20 min;

recovery, 30-60 min; not as smooth in

reptiles compared to other animals;

intubation and intermittent positive

pressure ventilation advisable; may

preanesthetize with low dose propofol,

ketamine, etc.

Bearded dragons/trend toward shorter

induction and recovery with 21% O 2

group compared to use of 100% O 2

Green iguanas/15-35 min loss of righting

reflex; mean MAC, 1.62%; pH 7.49

Ketamine — Ketamine combinations follow; muscle

relaxation and analgesia may be

marginal; prolonged recovery with

higher doses; larger reptiles require

lower dose; painful at injection site;

safety is questionable in debilitated

patients; avoid use in cases with renal

dysfunction; snakes may be

permanently aggressive after ketamine

anesthesia; 19 generally recommend use

only as a preanesthetic prior to

isoflurane for surgical anesthesia

10 mg/kg SC, IM

q30min 34

Most species/maintenance of anesthesia;

recovery, 3-4 hr

20-60 mg/kg IM, or Most species/muscle relaxation improved

5-15 mg/kg IV 117 with midazolam or diazepam

22-44 mg/kg SC,

IM 19,20

Most species/sedation


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