Exotic Animal Formulary5

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Dental formula 2(I 3/3 C 1/1 P 3/3 M 1/2)=34

Deciduous teeth erupt

Permanent teeth erupt

Canines erupt

Molars erupt (first to fourth)

Heart rate

Mean systolic blood pressure

Respiratory rate

Rectal temperature

Blood volume

Intraocular pressure

Endotracheal tube size

Prothrombin time (PT)

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)

20-28 days

50-74 days

50 days

53-74 days

200-400 beats/min

133-161 mmHg

33-36 breaths/min

37.8-40°C (100-104°F)

60-80 mL (5%-7% body weight)

22.8±5.5 mmHg

2-4 mm ID

8-16.5 sec

16-25 sec

Table 11-11

Urinalysis Values of Ferrets. 52

Parameter Male Female

Volume (mL/24 hr) 26 (8-48) 28 (8-140)

Sodium (mmol/24 hr) 1.9 (0.4-6.7) 1.5 (0.2-5.6)

Potassium (mmol/24 hr) 2.9 (1-9.6) 2.1 (0.9-5.4)

Chloride (mmol/24 hr) 2.4 (0.7-8.5) 1.9 (0.3-7.8)

pH 6.5-7.5 a 6.5-7.5 a

Protein (mg/dL) 7-33 0-32

Exogenous creatinine clearance (mL/min/kg) b — 3.32±2.16

Insulin clearance (mL/min/kg) — 3.02±1.78

Specific gravity 1.040-1.052 __


Urine pH can vary according to diet; normal urine pH in ferrets on a high-quality, meat-based diet is

approximately 6.


Endogenous creatinine clearance (mL/min/kg)=2.5±0.93.


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