Exotic Animal Formulary5

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Levamisole (Levasole




5d up to 28 days 199

5-10 mg/kg SC, ICe,

repeat in 14

days 16,117,169

20-25 mg/kg PO,

repeat in 14 days

prn 169

fipronil; spray on skin and in newly

cleaned cage, then allow to dry before

replacing water dish

Most species/lungworms; 5 mg/kg in

chelonians; 10 mg/kg in lizards,

snakes; very narrow range of safety;

main advantage is that it can be

administered parenterally; avoid

concurrent use with chloramphenicol;

avoid use in debilitated animals; low

dose may stimulate depressed immune

system; can be used IM, but less


Most species/strongyles, ascarids, effective

dosage of 400 mg/kg; 208 may be toxic

Metronidazole — Protozoan (i.e., flagellates, amoebae)

overgrowth; may stimulate appetite;

may cause severe neurologic signs at

doses >200 mg/kg; 272 death occurred in

indigo and mountain king snakes at

100 mg/kg; 169 injectable form can be

administered PO; oral suspension is

not available in the United States, but

can be compounded

40-100 mg/kg PO,

repeat in 10-

14 days 103 Most species/flagellate overgrowth

20 mg/kg PO q48h 32 Corn snakes/PK; 28°C (82°F); protozoa

40 mg/kg PO, repeat

in 14 days 106,169

40-60 mg/kg PO

q7d×2-3 doses 364

40-200 mg/kg PO,

repeat in 14 days 268

Uracoan rattler, milk, tricolor king, and

indigo snakes/flagellates

Chameleons/flagellates; amoebae

Geckos/ocular lesions (40 mg/kg) and

subcutaneous lesions (200 mg/kg)

caused by Trichomonas

20 mg/kg ICe q48h 161 Red-eared sliders/PK; ICe administration

not recommended; needs further safety



25 mg/kg PO

q24h×5 days 117

0.25-0.5 mg/kg SC

prn 31


Chelonians/nematodes; parenteral form is

not commercially available in United


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