Exotic Animal Formulary5

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q10min prn

20 mg/kg IM, IV,

IO 272

recovery time; reported to partially

“reverse” effects of dissociatives 217

Most species/respiratory stimulant

5-10 mg/kg IV 349 American alligators/immediate dosedependent

increase in breathing


Epinephrine (1:1000)

0.5-1 mg/kg IV, IO,

IT 272

Most species/CPR, cardiac arrest

0.1 mg/kg IM 125 Snapping turtles/reduction in time to

spontaneous respiration after

isoflurane anesthesia

Etorphine (M-99, Wildlife


Flumazenil (Romazicon,


0.3-0.5 mg/kg Crocodilians, chelonians/very potent

IM 269 0.3-

narcotic; crocodilians: induction, 5-

2.75 mg/kg IM 216 30 min; duration, 30-180 min;

chelonians: induction, 10-20 min;

duration, 40-120 min; not very effective

in reptiles other than alligators; 303 poor

relaxation; adequate for immobilization

and minor procedures; requires an

antagonist; limited use because of

expense and legal restrictions

— All species/reversal of benzodiazepines,

including diazepam and midazolam;

seldom indicated

0.05 mg/kg IM, SC,

IV 241

1 mg/20 mg of

zolazepam 220 IM,

IV 319

All species/reversal of midazolam;

extrapolated from mammals and birds

Crocodilians, chelonians/reversal of


Fospropofol 25-50 mg/kg ICe 340 Red-eared slider turtles/muscle relaxation

and immobility especially at higher

dosage, but prolonged recovery, and

profound respiratory depression with

resuscitation in 2/8 subjects; use with


Gallamine (Flaxedil,

American Cyanamid)

0.4-1.25 mg/kg Crocodiles/results in flaccid paralysis, but

IM 20 0.6-4 mg/kg no analgesia; larger animals require

IM 221

lower dosage; reverse with

0.7 mg/kg IM 276 neostigmine; 221 use in alligators

1.2-2 mg/kg IM 95 questionable; unsafe in alligators at

≥1 mg/kg, 303 deaths reported in

American alligators and false gharials 218


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