Exotic Animal Formulary5

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250 mg/L drinking water

× 3-7 days 333 Psittacines, pigeons

Ivermectin — All species/most nematodes,


leeches, most

ectoparasites (including


Dermanyssus); can dilute

with water or saline for

immediate use; dilute

with propylene glycol for

extended use; parenteral

ivermectin may be toxic

to finches and

budgerigars; 333 brain

inflammation detected as

an adverse effect in king

pigeons; 132 suspected

toxicity reported in a

nanday conure at

0.2 mg/kg 600

0.2 mg/kg PO, SC, IM Most species, including

once, can repeat in psittacines, passerines,


pigeons, raptors, guinea

14 days 38,135,320,375,482,571,747 fowl, ratites, cranes/use in

combination with

fenbendazole at 50 mg/kg

PO q12h × 5 days for

microfilaria in

cockatoos 333

0.2 mg/kg IM once 173,178 Ostriches/only 60% effective

against Libyostrongylus

dentatus and L. douglassii

0.2-0.4 mg/kg PO, SC,

repeat 7-14 days 838

0.2-1 mg/kg PO, SC, IM

q14d × 2-3

treatments 432b

0.2 mg/kg SC, topical on

skin; can repeat 1-2

wk for 3-4

applications 135,171,205,738



Canaries, finches/quill mites,

Knemidokoptes; dilute to

0.02% solution with

propylene glycol, can

apply directly to lesions

on cere, legs; also effective


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