Exotic Animal Formulary5

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• Dystocia or egg binding—obstructive or nonobstructive abnormal oviposition

Etiology—Often Multifactorial

• Environmental stressors

• Nutritional: dehydration, hypocalcemia, low-protein diet, and/or general malnutrition

• Egg-related: abnormal egg size and shape or position

• Hen-related: systemic disease, salpingitis, oviduct perforation, torsion or scarring,

and/or neoplasia


• History/clinical signs/physical findings: nonspecific signs of illness, respiratory distress,

persistent tail bobbing, ± blood from vent or in droppings, coelomic distension ±

palpable egg

• Complete blood/chemistry panel

• Radiography/ultrasonography


• Stabilize the patient

○ Warm, dark, humidified environment

○ Administer warmed fluids, SC, IV, or IO if dehydrated

○ Dextrose: 50% bolus IV or IO; 2.5% in fluids SC if hypoglycemic

○ Calcium gluconate: 50-100 mg/kg IM or SC if hypocalcemic

○ Nutritional support required in most cases

• Medical management

○ Oxytocin: 5 U/kg IM, may repeat q30min

○ Prostaglandin E 2 : 0.1 mL/100 g (1 mL/kg) intracloacal on uterovaginal sphincter

• Surgical management

○ Attempt after 12-24 hr unless patient is obstructed and requires faster intervention

○ Sedation with oxygen supplementation or general anesthesia must be used

○ Use caution when manipulating egg; do not press cranially when stabilizing the egg,

as this will compromise respiration; instead, gentle laterolateral digital pressure to

direct egg caudally

○ Cloacal ovocentesis

▪ 18g-20g needle regardless of patient size

▪ Visualize egg/oviductal opening using lubricated speculum or cotton applicators

and focal light source

▪ Insert needle into egg and aspirate contents while stabilizing egg

▪ Gently implode egg with laterolateral digital pressure

▪ Extract fragments with curved hemostats

○ Percutaneous ovocentesis

▪ 18g-20g needle

▪ Stabilize egg against left side of body, then aseptically prepare area

▪ Insert needle and aspirate contents

▪ Gently implode egg with laterolateral digital pressure if it does not collapse

▪ Salpingotomy or salpingohysterectomy

Table 5-44


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