Exotic Animal Formulary5

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sodium (37%




122 mg/kg IM 333 Budgerigars/thyroid hyperplasia

Essential fatty acids

0.5 mL/kg PO q24h

× 50 days or

indefinitely 333

Raptors/pruritic dermatitis (atopy)

Fatty acids (omega-

3, omega-6)

0.1-0.2 mL/kg of Psittacines, pigeons/glomerular disease; used to

flaxseed oil to reduce thromboxane A 2 synthesis in platelets

corn oil mixed and glomerular cells; adjunct therapy for

at a ratio of 1:4 arthritis, feather picking, mutilators, and

PO or added to neoplasia; 2-4 wk of therapy are required to

food; ratio of recognize effects; may increase dietary

omega-6:omega- vitamin E requirements; consider

3 is 4-5:1 333 supplementation with chronic use

0.11 mL/kg q24h in

a 5:1 ratio of


3 333 Psittacines/glomerulonephritis, pancreatitis

10% flaxseeds 604 Quaker parrots/PD; shift in HDL subgroups,

higher plasma phospholipid omega-3 fatty


α-linolenic acid,

0.2%-4% of daily

energy 603

Quaker parrots/PD; no change in blood

cholesterol compared to control group,

changes in polyunsaturated fatty acid blood





— For bulk in diet; facilitates defecation in bowel

deficit disorders and other conditions

0.5 tsp/60 mL handfeeding


or baby food

gruel 333

Psittacines/bulk diet to delay absorption of an

ingested toxin

1 Tbs/60 mL water

q24h 806

Ostrich chicks/impaction

1 mL of solution of Budgerigars/no difference from controls in

½ tsp diluted in elimination rate of ventricular lead particles

60 mL of water 477

Inositol 20 g/kg of food 569,570 Starlings/PD; not effective to decrease liver

stored iron but prevented an increase in

stored iron concentration

Iodine (Lugol’s


0.2 mL/L drinking

water daily 333

Most species/thyroid hyperplasia

2 parts iodine + 28 Budgerigars/thyroid hyperplasia


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