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journal of european integration history revue d'histoire de l ...

journal of european integration history revue d'histoire de l ...


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134Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Buchbesprechungen<strong>of</strong> the CAP doesn’t rest on a real historical analysis <strong>of</strong> the main European economic policy,but is most <strong>of</strong>ten restricted to observations or to general consi<strong>de</strong>rations, as is <strong>de</strong>monstratedby the short summary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>history</strong> <strong>of</strong> the CAP (pp.19-24).The relevance <strong>of</strong> their summary reflects their training background as rural economists,but from a point <strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> political science, their study, <strong>de</strong>spite their actual experienceacquired within <strong>of</strong>ficial institutions in Belgium, is not very thorough. In short, the content isrich by the volume <strong>of</strong> information provi<strong>de</strong>d, but remains mainly <strong>de</strong>scriptive. A fundamentalanalysis <strong>of</strong> the evolution <strong>of</strong> the CAP, <strong>of</strong> its working, its achievements and failures, itsreforms, the successive historical choices and the prospects for the future, shows up onlyoccasionally and at the end <strong>of</strong> the work (chapter 9 and conclusions).A more <strong>de</strong>tailed study reveals that nearly a third <strong>of</strong> this book is <strong>de</strong>voted to GATT and tothe repercussions on the CAP <strong>of</strong> the agreement reached with a view to liberalizingagriculture, following the Uruguay round (chapter 5 and 6). Given the disproportionateimportance attached to the external dimension <strong>of</strong> the CAP, it seems as if this Europeanpolicy were in fact only an appendage <strong>of</strong> a world policy for the marketing <strong>of</strong> agriculturalproduce and foodstuffs. The study <strong>of</strong> this question however is very interesting and well<strong>de</strong>veloped. The emphasis is rightly put on the consequences <strong>of</strong> the liberalization <strong>of</strong>agricultural tra<strong>de</strong> that have led at European level, to adjustments <strong>of</strong> the commonorganization <strong>of</strong> the markets (COMs). The authors insist on the episo<strong>de</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the discussion fora growing <strong>integration</strong> <strong>of</strong> the CAP into global tra<strong>de</strong>, an <strong>integration</strong>, which the WorldOrganization <strong>of</strong> Tra<strong>de</strong> (WTO) has to attend to. They give many <strong>de</strong>tails on the process <strong>of</strong>globalization that varies according to the sectors <strong>of</strong> agricultural produce. But they merelypresent the evolution <strong>of</strong> Community support and the protection system towards thirdcountries without assessing its consequences for the European agriculture in the long run.It should be noted that they do absolutely not refer to Pierre Baudin’s 1 work relating tothe COMs and to the works <strong>of</strong> Clau<strong>de</strong> Blumann 2 and Valérie Adam, who have dissected themechanisms <strong>of</strong> Community protection and support from the origins <strong>of</strong> the CAP up to thepresent day. Blumann has analyzed in <strong>de</strong>tail the period <strong>of</strong> 1958-1990 and Adam the periodfollowing the break <strong>of</strong> 1992, trying to investigate the repercussions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>de</strong>cisions reachedfor the future <strong>of</strong> the CAP. One <strong>of</strong> the major weaknesses <strong>of</strong> this work, consi<strong>de</strong>ring itshistorical ambition, is therefore to have neglected the basic works on the CAP, as is shownby the bibliography. And the authors take care not to take a stand as committed economistson the scope <strong>of</strong> the measures scheduled for the coming years.In chapter 7, the prospect for the 3d millennium is touched upon, but the approachremains general and technical and is based on the Commission’s proposal <strong>of</strong> 1997: Agenda2000, that is given a disproportionate attention compared with the <strong>de</strong>cisions reached inBerlin in spring 1999, <strong>de</strong>cisions that will serve as reference for the period 2000-2006 and forthe mid-term review in 2003. It is particularly regrettable that the authors didn’t consi<strong>de</strong>r itrelevant to put the emphasis more clearly on a new <strong>de</strong>al <strong>of</strong> the CAP, following the break <strong>of</strong>1992 (Mac Sharry reform): the <strong>de</strong>cision <strong>of</strong> the council <strong>of</strong> ministers for Agriculture to take aninterest in the second pillar <strong>of</strong> the CAP: the socio-structural pillar, as planned at theintergovernmental agricultural conference <strong>of</strong> Stresa, in July 1958. This completes thecommercial pillar which is ma<strong>de</strong> up <strong>of</strong> two sections, namely an internal section: thecommon agricultural market materialized by the COMs, and an external section based onthe working <strong>of</strong> the Community preference rules and <strong>of</strong> a system <strong>of</strong> import levies and export1. P. BAUDIN, L’Europe face à ses marchés agricoles; <strong>de</strong> la naissance <strong>de</strong> la politique agricole communeà sa réforme, Economica, Paris, 1993.2. Cl. BLUMANN, Politique agricole commune; Droit communautaire agricole et agro-alimentaire,LITEC, Paris, 1996. V. ADAM, La réforme <strong>de</strong> la politique agricole commune <strong>de</strong> l’Union européenneou l’évolutionnisme permanent du droit communautaire, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2001, 2 vol.

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