Palazzo de'Rossi. Una storia pistoiese

a cura di Roberto Cadonici fotografie di Aurelio Amendola

a cura di Roberto Cadonici
fotografie di Aurelio Amendola


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Tav. 2. Ceramiche fini da mensa. Vernice nera con corpo<br />

ceramico grigio: 1. ; Ceramica grigia: 2.; Pareti sottili: 3.<br />

Tav. 3. Terra sigillata italica e tardo italica.<br />

(tav. 3, n. 5), attestata dall’età tiberiana fino alla fine del I sec., e dalla coppa emisferica con<br />

listello Conspectus 34 82 (tav. 3, n. 4), che compare in età tardo tiberiana ed è ancora in auge nelle<br />

produzioni di sigillata tardo italica dall’età flavia fino all’inizio del II sec. d.C. La forma è documentata<br />

a Pistoia anche dai ritrovamenti dei siti di San Iacopo in Castellare 83 e dell’Antico<br />

<strong>Palazzo</strong> dei Vescovi 84 .<br />

I calici sono documentati da alcuni frammenti: un piede ricostruibile da tre frammenti (tav.<br />

3, n. 6) e avvicinabile forse al tipo Conspectus R. 1.1.1 85 e dodici frammenti, in parte contigui,<br />

con decorazione figurata a rilievo da riferire con certezza a un unico esemplare (fig. 33). Di<br />

questo rimane una brevissima porzione dell’orlo arrotondato e decorato a rotella, sottolineato<br />

da un piccolo listello che lo separa da una fascia liscia delimitata in basso da due solcature<br />

parallele. Sotto a queste, una fila di perle a rilievo e una fascia di ovuli e lancette sovrastano<br />

una scena figurata, che occupa tutto il campo delle pareti e della vasca del vaso. Vi si possono<br />

riconoscere due personaggi maschili che incedono verso sinistra tenendo per una corda un<br />

animale (equide? bovino?) e recano appesi ad un bastone o forse a una clava, appoggiata sulla<br />

spalla sinistra, l’uno un canestro con serti vegetali (?) e nastri, l’altro due drappi (?) annodati.<br />

I due personaggi dai volti glabri e dal naso prominente hanno identico abbigliamento: un<br />

copricapo apicato o forse un mantello con cappuccio decorato con motivo a rete, una tunica<br />

succinta, alti calzari (?) (conservati da un solo personaggio). La scena, come mostra un frammento<br />

isolato ma certamente pertinente allo stesso esemplare, è definita in basso da due<br />

lunghi tralci sinuosi che fuoriescono dal terreno in direzioni contrapposte a marcare la linea<br />

di terra sulla quale poggiano due zampe animali (ungulati).<br />

Il calice, al quale appartengono i frammenti appena descritti, sembra attribuibile alle produzioni<br />

aretine decorate a matrice, delle quali costituisce, al momento, la più importante<br />

attestazione in territorio <strong>pistoiese</strong> 86 . Non si sono rintracciati, sin qui, confronti puntuali che<br />

riconducano il calice a una specifica bottega. L’elegante motivo a ovuli e lancette che delimita<br />

la scena del vaso <strong>pistoiese</strong> trova confronti nei prodotti di varie officine aretine 87 . La tipologia<br />

33. Frammenti di Terra sigillata decorata a matrice.<br />

Rare fragments of black glaze pottery were identified, attributable to the “Circle of Campana<br />

B” 64 . The formal repertory of this class becomes a reference also for the local and regional<br />

productions of black glaze wares with grey ceramic body to which a fragment of patera rim<br />

(table 2, no. 1) can most likely be attributed, similar to the Morel 2255 series, widespread in<br />

the second half of the 2nd century B.C. 65 Similar ceramics were identified also in the subsoil<br />

of the Antico <strong>Palazzo</strong> dei Vescovi, occurring, in this case too, in a low quantity and in a fragmented<br />

and fluitato state 66 .<br />

Also inspired by the repertory of black painted ceramics is the grey ceramic patera (table<br />

2, no. 2) which is similar to the Morel 2271 series 67 , popular between the 2nd and the 10th<br />

century B.C. The fragment from <strong>Palazzo</strong> de’ Rossi can be related to the grey pottery found<br />

in other sites in Pistoia: in the Antico <strong>Palazzo</strong> dei Vescovi 68 , in Piazza della Sapienza and in<br />

Agliana 69 , comparable with the wares documented also in Fiesole and in Artimino 70 .<br />

• Thin-walled pottery<br />

Thin-walled pottery, with which drinking vessels were mainly made, are documented by small<br />

fragments, both smooth as well as decorated. Some of them (table 2, no. 3) make up a good<br />

part of one example which can be related to Ricci I/19 – Marabini IV type goblets used from<br />

the second half of the 2nd century to the 1st century B.C. 71 .<br />

• Italic and Late Italic terra sigillata (table 3, tab. 1)<br />

Fragments of Italic and Late Italic terra sigillata come from numerous contexts studied in<br />

<strong>Palazzo</strong> de’ Rossi. For the moment, only open forms have been identified, such as plates,<br />

bowls and goblets, with smooth or decorated walls.<br />

A considerable number of fragments belong to plates with a vertical concave (table 3, no. 1)<br />

or straight rim similar respectively to the Conspectus 18 type 72 , produced from the last decade<br />

of the 1st century B.C. until the first of the 1st century A.D. 73 , and to the Conspectus 20 type 74 ,<br />

widespread from the Augustan era until at least 50 A.D. 75 .<br />

Also identified were some fragments of plate with a horizontal pendant rim attributable to<br />

Conspectus 39-42 76 Late Italic sigillata wares, widespread from the mid 1st century to the mid<br />

2nd century A.D. In one case, the characteristic barbotine decoration with phytomorphic<br />

patterns of the Conspectus 39 type plate can be seen. A second example, comparable only for<br />

the shape of the Pucci XII type rim 77 , stands out for its enriched phytomorphic decoration,<br />

obtained by a barbotine row of beads applied to the edge, (table 3, no. 2) for which there is<br />

valid comparison in an example found in the Antico <strong>Palazzo</strong> dei Vescovi 78 .<br />

The cups are represented by the funnel-shaped Conspectus 23 type 79 cup, widespread between<br />

the second and the third quarter of the 1st century A.D. (table 3, no. 3) 80 , by the hemispherical<br />

Conspectus type cup 36 81 (table 3, no. 5), documented from the Tiberian age until the end of the<br />

1st century, and by the hemispherical Conspectus 34 82 (table 3, no. 4) cup with strip , which<br />

appears in the late Tiberian age and is again popular in Late Italic sigillata wares produced<br />

from the Flavian age until the beginning of the 2nd century A.D. The shape is documented in<br />

Pistoia also by the findings in the sites of San Iacopo in Castellare 83 and of the Antico <strong>Palazzo</strong><br />

dei Vescovi 84 .<br />

The goblets are documented by just a few fragments: a stem made up of three fragments<br />

(table 3, no. 6) and perhaps similar to the Conspectus R. 1.1.1 type 85 , and twelve fragments,<br />

partially matching, with figurative relief decoration, which definitely belong to one example<br />

(fig. 33). Of this there survives a very small portion of the rounded edge, with rouletted decorated,<br />

accentuated by a small strip that separates it from a smooth band delimitated on the<br />

bottom by two parallel grooves. Under these, a row of relief beads and a band of egg and dart<br />

crown a figurative scene, which occupies all of the walls and the body of the vase. Two male<br />

characters can be identified, advancing left, holding an animal by a tether (horse? ox?) and<br />

carrying a rod or perhaps a club, resting on the left shoulder, one with a basket with wreaths<br />

of plants (?) and ribbons, the other with two knotted drapes (?). The two figures with hairless<br />

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