13.07.2015 Aufrufe

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3[UN04] United Nations Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (o.J.): Sustainabledevelopment goals.– Online: http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1300(Stand 22.05.2013)[UN05] United Nations Environment Programme (o.J.): Resource efficiency.– Online:http://www.unep.org/pdf/UNEP_Profile/Resource_efficiency.pdf (Stand 22.05.2013)[UN06] United Nations Environment Programme (o.J.): Homepage of the InternationalResource Panel.– Online: http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/ (Stand 22.05.2013)[UN07] United Nations Environment Programme (2010): Metal Stocks in Society - ScientificSynthesis.– International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management - Working Group on theGlobal Metal Flows oft he International Resource Panel. Online:http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/Portals/24102/PDFs/Metalstocksinsociety.pdf[UN08] United Nations Environment Programme (2011): Recycling Rates of Metals – A StatusReport.– A Report of the Working Group on the Global Metal Flows of the InternationalResource Panel, 48pp. Online:http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/Portals/24102/PDFs/Metals_Recycling_Rates_110412-1.pdf[UN09] United Nations Environment Programme (2011): Decoupling natural resource use andenvironmental impacts from economic growth.– A Report of the Working Group on Decouplingto the International Resource Panel. Fischer-Kowalski, M., Swilling, M., von Weizsäcker, E.U.,Ren, Y., Moriguchi, Y., Crane, W., Krausmann, F., Eisenmenger, N., Giljum, S., Hennicke, P.,Romero Lankao, P., Siriban Manalang, A., Sewerin, S. Online:http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/decoupling/files/pdf/decoupling_report_english.pdf[UN10] United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (2007): Indicators ofSustainable Development: Guidelines and Methodologies (3rd Edition).– New York. Online:http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/guidelines.pdf[UN11] United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (2007): Indicators ofSustainable Development: Guidelines and Methodologies (3rd Edition) – Full set ofmethodology sheets.– New York. Online:http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/methodology_sheets.pdf[UN12] United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ; AsianDevelopment Bank; United Nations Environment Programme (2010): Preview, Green Growth,Resources and Resilience: Environmental sustainability in Asia and the Pacific.– Bangkok.Online: http://www.unescap.org/esd/environment/flagpubs/ggrap/documents/Full-Report.pdf[UN13] United Nations Environment Programme: Resource Efficiency: Economics andOutlook for Asia and the Pacific- Key Messages and Highlights.– Online:http://www.unep.org/roap/Portals/96/REEO_AP_Key.pdf[UN14] United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2012): Expert GroupMeeting on “Science and Sustainable Development Goals.– New York. Online:http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/1678EGM%20Science%20and%20SDGs-%20Concept%20note.final.pdf

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