10.11.2021 Aufrufe

urbanLab Magazin 2021 - Transformation

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Alvaro Balderrama (3)<br />


Urban expansion and densification bring opportunities and challenges, and transforming cities<br />

into vibrant, sustainable and resilient living places has become a key global priority (European<br />

Commission, <strong>2021</strong>). This is reflected internationally through the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable<br />

Development” (United Nations , 2015), which is part of a global call to rethink and redesign urban<br />

environments through innovative solutions that address multiple issues including noise pollution,<br />

considered a major environmental threat with substantial negative impact on public health<br />

and the economy. The way that people perceive and engage in their acoustic environment can<br />

play a significant role in the advancement towards the Sustainable Development Goals, especially<br />

in Goal 3 - “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being”, and Goal 11 - “make cities inclusive,<br />

safe, resilient and sustainable”.<br />

While the relationship between architecture and noise pollution is still an ongoing discussion<br />

internationally, the progress of sustainable construction in the past decades shows the potential<br />

alignment of building practices with sustainable strategies that can lead to benefits for society,<br />

the environment and the economy. This article addresses some concepts that might be relevant<br />

at the time of discussing the role of architecture in relation to urban noise, giving special attention<br />

to the design of facades since these components of the building envelope tend to be in direct<br />

contact with sound sources in urban environments.<br />


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