10.11.2021 Aufrufe

urbanLab Magazin 2021 - Transformation

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PAAD<br />



Josep Llorca-Bofí (6)<br />

Architects need technical and humanistic approaches to<br />

be better understood and design architecture. This is why<br />

PAAD is born.<br />


The main task of PAAD is the study of the architectural design, with a focus on people’s perceptions,<br />

especially in situational contexts where sound matters. PAAD’s vision is person-focused,<br />

since architectural design covers different personal needs ranging from the basic safety needs,<br />

well-being and comfort, communication, to the religious experiences. Moreover, it is person-focused<br />

as long as it bridges the scientist´s and architect’s knowledge through personal vocabularies.<br />

The visionary approach is to offer new knowledge about architect’s designs implications<br />

on people’s perception, by passing over the specific languages of other research areas, such as<br />

acoustics. It is the hope of PAAD that this knowledge will help the architects in their daily design<br />

practice and, in a long term period, improve people’s life in our cities.<br />

The PAAD research group is led by the Junior Principal Investigator Dr. Josep Llorca-Bofí and<br />

hosted by Prof. Dr. Michael Vorländer, from the Institute for Hearing Technology and Acoustics,<br />

at RWTH Aachen University. In 2020, PAAD was awarded one of the RWTH Junior Principal Investigator<br />

fellowships and is funded for a period of four years starting on January <strong>2021</strong>. The group<br />

is constituted by the leader and Jonas Heck, PhD student.<br />


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