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schaft - Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen

schaft - Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen


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Literatur<br />

Moghadam, Assad 2006: Diego Gambetta,<br />

ed., Making Sense of Suicide Missions. In:<br />

Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 121, No. 1, 142-<br />

144.<br />

Papendorf, Knut 2006: ‚The Unfinished‘:<br />

Reflections on the Norwegian Prison Movement.<br />

In: Acta Sociologica, Vol. 49, No. 2, 127-<br />

137.<br />

Petras, James/ Veltmeyer, Henry 2006: Social<br />

Movements and the State: Political Power<br />

Dynamics in Latin America. In: Critical Sociology,<br />

Vol. 32, No. 1, 83-104.<br />

Schurman, Rachel/Munro, William 2006:<br />

Ideas, thinkers, and social networks: The process<br />

of grievance construction in the anti-genetic<br />

engineering movement. In: Theory and Society,<br />

Vol. 35, No. 1, 1-38.<br />

Tannock, Stuart 2005: Is ‚Opting Out‘ Really<br />

an Answer? Schools, Militarism & the Counter-Recruitment<br />

Movement in Post- September<br />

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32, No. 3, 163.<br />

Villas, Carlos M. 2006: Neolberal Meltdown<br />

and Social Protest: Argentina 2001-2002. In:<br />

Critical Sociology, Vol. 32, No. 1, 163-186.<br />

Wiist, Wiliam H. 2006: Public Health and<br />

the Anticorporate Movement: Rationale and<br />

Recommendations. In: American Journal of<br />

Public Health, Vol. 96, Is. 8, 1370-1375.<br />

International<br />

Caraway, Teri L. 2006: Political Openness<br />

and Transnational Activism: Comparative Insights<br />

from Labor Activism. In: Politics & Society,<br />

Vol. 34, No. 2, 277-304.<br />

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Blue: A Police-Centered Explanation of Protest<br />

Policing. In: Mobilization, Vol. 11, No. 1.<br />

Gitlin, Todd 2006: Democratic Dilemmas:<br />

The Party and the Movements. In: Dissent, Fall<br />

2006.<br />

Isaac, Larry/McDonald, Steve/Lukasik,<br />

Greg 2006: Takin‘ It from the Streets: How the<br />

Sixties Mass Movement revitalized Unionization.<br />

In: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 112,<br />

No. 1, 46-97.<br />

Krueger, Brian S. 2006: A Comparison of<br />

Conventional and Internet Political Mobilization.<br />

In American Politics Research, Vol. 34, No.<br />

6, 759-776.<br />

Mueller, Carol 2006: Book Review: Globalizing<br />

Women: Transnational Feminist Networks.<br />

In: International Journal of Comparative<br />

Sociology, Vol. 47, No. 1, 34-53.<br />

O’Kane, Rosemary H.T. 2006: Book Review:<br />

States, Parties and Social Movements. In:<br />

Party Politics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 147-149.<br />

Sutton, Philp W./Vertigans, Stephen 2006:<br />

Islamic ‚New Social Movements‘? Radical Islam,<br />

Al-Quaida, and Social Movement Theory.<br />

In: Mobilization, Vol. 11, No. 1.<br />

Uggla, Fredrik 2006: Between Globalism<br />

and Pragmatism: Attac in France, Germany, and<br />

Sweden. In: Mobilization, Vol. 11, No. 1.<br />

Ward, James C./Ostrom, Amy L. 2006:<br />

Complaining to the Masses: The Role of Protest<br />

Framing in Customer-Created Complaint<br />

Web Sites. In: Journal of Consumer Research,<br />

Vol. 33, No. 2, 220-231.

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