International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO


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IPY 20 07–20 08<br />

concentration makes it difficult to quantify Fe in<br />

seawater. Samples were taken with a novel ultraclean<br />

CTD sampling system (Fig. 2.2-7a) deployed during<br />

the IPY-GEOTRACES program aboard R.V. <strong>Polar</strong>stern<br />

ARK-XXII/2 in July-October 2007. The results are the<br />

first ever comprehensive overview of the distribution<br />

of dissolved Fe in the deep basins and surface waters<br />

of the Arctic Ocean. Shipboard analyses by flow<br />

injection were calibrated with excellent agreement<br />

versus certified standard (SAFe) seawater (Johnson<br />

et al., 2007). Along the long trans-Arctic section 3<br />

(Fig. 2.2-7b), the dissolved iron showed high (>2nM)<br />

concentrations in the upper 100m with a negative<br />

correlation (R 2 = 0.80) with salinity. This, together with<br />

corresponding manganese maxima (by Rob Middag,<br />

not shown) and low light transmission values, points<br />

to fluvial input and input via melting of sea-ice to<br />

be main contributors of iron to the surface waters.<br />

Hydrothermal activity above the Gakkel Ridge (Fig<br />

2.2-7c) is a major input source of iron as confirmed<br />

by a very similar pronounced dissolved manganese<br />

maximum (by Rob Middag, not shown) and anomalies<br />

of potential temperature and particle abundance<br />

(less light transmission). Decreasingly, very low<br />

concentrations of iron with depth below 3000 m in the<br />

Amundsen and Makarov Basins are most likely due to<br />

net removal caused by a high scavenging regime and<br />

relatively little remineralization.<br />

Exploring the biogeochemistry and geophysics of<br />

the entire Eurasian-Arctic continental shelf in IPY:<br />

the <strong>International</strong> Siberian Shelf Study 2008 (ISSS-<br />

08). The ISSS-08 study aboard RV Yakob Smirnitski<br />

involved 30 scientists from 12 organizations in<br />

Russia, Sweden, U.K. and U.S.A., including three from<br />

DAMOCLES responsible for physical oceanography.<br />

The motivation for ISSS-08 was to alleviate the scarcity<br />

of observational data on transport and processing<br />

of water, sediment and carbon on the East Siberian<br />

Arctic Shelves (ESAS). The ESAS, composed of Laptev,<br />

East Siberian and Russian part of Chukchi Sea, is the<br />

world’s largest continental shelf and at the same time<br />

the most understudied part of the Arctic Ocean. It<br />

is characterized by tundra discharge through the<br />

Lena, Indigirka and Kolyma rivers, coastal erosion,<br />

methane seeps from subsea-permafrost reservoirs<br />

and shelf-feeding of the Arctic halocline. The region<br />

is of particular interest from the perspective of<br />

carbon-climate couplings as it has witnessed a 4°C<br />

springtime positive temperature anomaly for 2000-<br />

2005 compared with preceding decades.<br />

The coplex program included the sampling of riverborne<br />

organic material, trace elements, methane,<br />

CO 2 , freons and nutrients, with sampling from air,<br />

watercolumn and sediments. Additionally, a Russian<br />

group carried out a seismic program using towed<br />

equipment. Sampling was accomplished during a<br />

50-day cruise in August – September 2008 using two<br />

vessels. The main vessel R/V Yacob Smirnitskyi travelled<br />

the entire length of the Siberian coast from Kirkenes,<br />

Norway to Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea and back<br />

along the outer shelf. A second ship sampled the Lena<br />

River and the southeastern Laptev Sea. Significant atsea<br />

findings included new methane seeps and bubble<br />

plume fields in both the Laptev and East Siberian Sea,<br />

several associated with geophysical gas-chimney<br />

structures. The cruise also studied the Pacific inflow<br />

through Herald Canyon and remnants of salty and cold<br />

bottom waters on the shelf break. A vigorous mixing<br />

zone was encountered just north of Herald Canyon<br />

between warm north-flowing Pacific Summer Water<br />

and cold winter water. Still planned are the analyses<br />

of collected air, seawater, eroding soil and sediment<br />

material including molecular and isotopic biomarker<br />

composition as well as trace element and isotope<br />

characterizations (GEOTRACES protocol) to elucidate<br />

provenance, remobilization of “old” terrestrial matter,<br />

the relative importance of river versus erosion<br />

sources, degradation of organic matter in seawater<br />

and sediments and variations in these processes with<br />

dynamic climate forcing.<br />

Deploying Canada’s ‘climate antenna’ through<br />

its Northern Seas: the 15,000 km annual transects<br />

of the Canada Three Oceans (C3O) Program. The<br />

three oceans that surround Canada are connected<br />

by waters that flow from the Pacific to the Arctic<br />

and then into the Atlantic; changes in the ice cover<br />

and ecosystems of the Arctic are tightly linked to the<br />

global climate system in general and to the bordering<br />

subarctic Pacific and Atlantic oceans in particular.<br />

C3O (Canada’s Three Oceans, led by Eddy Carmack)<br />

links all of Canada’s three oceans and investigates the<br />

interconnectedness of arctic and subarctic domains.<br />

During IPY, C3O joined under the iAOOS cluster with<br />

the ongoing JOIS (Joint Ice Ocean Studies, led by Fiona

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